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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. If it's only for a couple of months I'd do it. I used to take a Monday & Tuesday off and goto the lakes as it was quieter and easier to get a place to stay etc.
  2. Another MASSIVE crowd for them at 25k.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/38604311 Oh Dear
  4. Hope Derby shaft Leeds tonight too and knock them down a peg or two.
  5. Ian Wright has said that Payet has a serious attitude problem because he has blossomed late. Errr, what about Vardy? Is that overlooked because he's English?
  6. I dread to think. Wonder if it includes a bottle of Bollinger on a match day
  7. Aye, assuming they will make CL every season, plus cup games etc. Avg price is about £60 aint it?
  8. Aye I heard that this morning. They will make that back in 4 seasons or so like. Still mental. Wonder who is paying for it.
  9. I have a feeling we wont do anything this window.
  10. Fuck me, Leeds are on TV again on Friday and on the 21st. How many fucking times have they been on TV this year?
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