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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. You mean Mongo? I thought Maguire did well, but a couple of his passes in defence were suspect. Hopefully he cleans them up.
  2. Henderson always pointing to play the ball backwards. Fuck. Me. Even batty wasn't that bad.
  3. Maguire looks like that fat kid out of blazing saddles. He looks about 2 stone over weight
  4. How shit is that mackem cunt in midfield.
  5. Is Jenas wearing his dad's blazer?
  6. Walker looks suspect though.
  7. Our industry has shortage of senior people. When the recession hit last time nobody wanted to come in as we're usually the first hit. We've never really recovered from that. I have my feelers out. He can continue paying nippers fucking peanuts. But you know the saying, pay peanuts get monkeys. Kids have zero fucking interest in the job at all. The day off is a mixture of having a long rest at the weekend and wanting to speed time with my nephew. After my seizures earlier this year it shook me up a bit. He's not even taken in account any of that and just dismissed it.
  8. wykikitoon


    But dont forget to get mortal before starting the match threads in the new season like
  9. wykikitoon


    Nah, I agree with Renton. You're not being a fanny at all, just a gaaaayyyyyyy. Joking aside aye, just rein it in a bit.
  10. Phil Neville is absolutley thick as pig shit. The peno for France they were discussing. 3 of them said it was a pen and he said it wasnt. He then said there were three opinions about it. No you spaz. There are two.
  11. wykikitoon


    Hope you get it sorted Gloomy kid. Chin up mate and you know you can come on here to have the piss taken out of you.
  12. Well, had my review yesterday. He started off with 'One of the girls has told me you have slagged off the company on social media for not having your review on time' I only have Facebook, so got my phone out, went to my FB and asked him to point out where. I said I haven't deleted anything at all. There was one post from me saying 'Need help with some HR stuff' this was in a cycling group I am in. HR = Heart Rate. One of the stupid admin bints saw it and totally misinterpreted it and went to tell tales. When I explained this to him he looked at me as if I was pulling his leg. So I got my DM's out and showed him a convo I had with a coach about Heart Rate training. I said I would like a formal apology from the person who accused me of slagging off the company. He totally dismissed it the fucking spineless cunt. Regarding my four day weeks, totally dismissed it. On the grounds he didnt want to have to get someone in to cover for me or have to tell a client XYZ couldnt be done as I wanted to be in. Yet he is allowing another colleague in a dept that WE are having to cover due to shortages go on 4 days. He said if I really wanted it I had to put it in writing. So basically going to do a formal letter now.
  13. wykikitoon


    I think you have issues Just sayin
  14. wykikitoon


    Thought about it many a time, but considering I dont drink that much I dont see what would be gained!
  15. A fucking sparky, aye, he will be well qualified for a found
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