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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. Who they singing your just a strange little peado to?
  2. You watching PAL? FUCK OFF
  3. Exactly, if it was one of them shithouses you wouldnt hear fuck all other than sucking off Salah
  4. Delay to KO, 30mins due to an incident in the players tunnel. So lets tallk about anyone but the fucking teams playing.
  5. Is Newcastle on tonight because all these cunts have done is talk about bastard Spurs
  6. Is there a way of doing a @Happy Faceand pulling off (ooo matron) the stats on the number of post per poster in this thread?
  7. A mate of mine who knows far more about politics than myself, recons Brexit won't / can't happen.
  8. I used to love looking at the National Lampoons film covers in the Video Club shop we were a member of as kids.
  9. Scored the first to in the 5-0 drubbing of Man Yoo
  10. Man it's been well over 10 years since I went boarding. Wife Ski's but we have never been together!
  11. Fuck me, what a laugh this fucking place is. They (when I say they I mean the receptionist / admin lass) have sent out numerous emails about dress code. It's the same fucking three taking the piss, why no just sit down as a gaffer and speak to them and give them a fucking warning. They would soon buck their ideas up. One of the cunts comes dressed like shes been thrown up out of a SportDirect shop FFS chav cunt.
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-46261574
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