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Everything posted by wykikitoon

  1. i fell asleep at the works Christmas party last night. Snoring away some fucker put a tea bag in my mouth. I didnt half kick off. Nobody treats me like a mug!
  2. As my Ski mates called us 'boarders, we are gays on trays
  3. Treated myself to a 12 year old bottle of Lochnager for Crimbo. When I used to go snowboarding we would always have a bottle of Port on the go and have Port O'Clock most evenings. Been years since I had Port. Anyone sup any recommend some?
  4. Half way through this. Great read so far and exposes some of the myths about them all having playstations etc.
  5. Just seen in newspaper that Boy George's reptile has bitten 12 people at the weekend. I think he needs a calmer Chameleon!
  6. Wiggins is a massive time bomb waiting to go off. Brailsford is currently shitting his pants waiting for Freeman to give evidence. Aye, with your question. I dont think you can win a GT without been doped. The difference is, Sky bang the 'we are clean and transparent' drum and they're the total opposite. Thomas at least doesn't take himself at all serious. He and Luke Rowe seem a right laugh. Would rather have him win it than Lewis fucking Hamilton.
  7. On another note @Gemmilldid you see that Wiggins said it was a Dildo for Brailsford in the Jiffy Bag
  8. Decent lad. Seems to put a shift in. Holds the ball up well and is a strong lad. We have certainly missed him when he hasnt played, he seems to get the best out of Perez, which isnt much.
  9. As @Anorthernsoulsays if Possesion Stats was the aim of the game that's a dry bumming for us. However the aim is to put the ball in the net/ Media are cunts. Merson the glue sniffing radge bastard will be crying into is Carlseberg Special Brew cornflakes this morning the pissed stained shithouse.
  10. Ooooooooooohhhhhhh the Mitro is on Fire! Mitro Red Card for head butting Rafa, Toon 2-0 Win. Lascelles Header to open up
  11. Eases some pressure off for the Fulham game now. Still need to be on it like.
  12. Aye they could still be playing now with our lot in the shower and they still wouldnt score.
  13. 4 mins added. Given our recent form with added time thats not what I wanted!
  14. Hayden coming on Hope its for Diame and it's not for Rondon and were shutting up shop.
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