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Everything posted by TCMag

  1. I'm not convinced I'm signing up for NU$C
  2. and his assist was really a defensive fuck up.
  3. Be happy for the others/positives we can take out of it? decent run-outs for smith, xisco etc plus lua-lua is making all the right noises with his feet and will be pushing to be an impact sub for us soon with any luck. NUSC to declare a statement asking why Lua Lua isn't a regular sub.
  4. alan smith still can't score then?
  5. Let me find a tissue. shocking of chelsea, typical of that smug fuckhole kenyon, and abramovich. typical like. a manager getting judged on results.
  6. not really. scolari has been shite. 5th in the league must be awful like that's arsenal. chelsea have been well under par for a team that is meant to be challenging for the title, well under par. he hasn't delivered, time to go.
  7. not really. scolari has been shite. But how are NUSC to blame? it's a disgrace abramovich didn't discuss his ideas with nufc fans. a disgrace
  8. not really. scolari has been shite.
  9. As well as BBC and Sky Sports
  10. However the "clueless cunts" that you so highly speak of had a selection of questions agreed with the reporter, all of which were with the proviso that if they arent answered then it will be made clear in the article thats what happened. So you'll know if any of those damning ones were refused because it will say "No Comment" or the like. NUSC are money grabbing attention seeking arseholes , the idea is right but it's ran by whinging old cunts who have published nothing but cringeworthy statements through TF. so who mentioned NUSC in this thread and what have they got to do with the chronicle / journal asking questions to LLambias about NUFC. we can take it you wont be at their rally then; too busy shopping with mammy wearing your anorak and with the gloves strung together down the sleeves incase you lose one. grow up you've certainly got my card marked stevie.
  11. TCMag

    Toon Chants

    you're not fit to wear the shirt
  12. Good player, saved us from relegation a few seasons ago single-handedly... Apparently.
  13. A couple of foul mouthed statements with spelling errors from the Boro Supporters group will soon sort that out....
  14. nah, i'm just on a wind-up because i have a different opinion....
  15. However the "clueless cunts" that you so highly speak of had a selection of questions agreed with the reporter, all of which were with the proviso that if they arent answered then it will be made clear in the article thats what happened. So you'll know if any of those damning ones were refused because it will say "No Comment" or the like. NUSC are money grabbing attention seeking arseholes , the idea is right but it's ran by whinging old cunts who have published nothing but cringeworthy statements through TF. sounds like you're the clueless one pal. did you read one of their statements recently published on the TF site? unfortunately i can't find the link on the site, but it pretty much gave the impression that it was typed by a bloke who has no idea how to turn off the caps lock and use the spell checker. statement pretty much consisted of, "ASHLEY WHY WON'T YOU SPEAK TO US?" "I DEMAND YOU SPEAK TO NUSC". who the fuck are they to DEMAND that they are spoken to? why won't nusc realise that it's ashleys club, and he'll do what he wants with it?.. thank fuck they have a march organised though, i could have came up with that idea without charge a fee of £10 What's your point? that they're clueless, deluded, money grabbing cunts with their heads up their arse..
  16. However the "clueless cunts" that you so highly speak of had a selection of questions agreed with the reporter, all of which were with the proviso that if they arent answered then it will be made clear in the article thats what happened. So you'll know if any of those damning ones were refused because it will say "No Comment" or the like. NUSC are money grabbing attention seeking arseholes , the idea is right but it's ran by whinging old cunts who have published nothing but cringeworthy statements through TF. sounds like you're the clueless one pal. did you read one of their statements recently published on the TF site? unfortunately i can't find the link on the site, but it pretty much gave the impression that it was typed by a bloke who has no idea how to turn off the caps lock and use the spell checker. statement pretty much consisted of, "ASHLEY WHY WON'T YOU SPEAK TO US?" "I DEMAND YOU SPEAK TO NUSC". who the fuck are they to DEMAND that they are spoken to? why won't nusc realise that it's ashleys club, and he'll do what he wants with it?.. thank fuck they have a march organised though, i could have came up with that idea without charge a fee of £10
  17. http://www.newcastle-united-supporters-clu...tement-0610.php "NUSC would be delighted to discuss with any prospective buyer of good intention how we could work together and provide our support. In that respect, we extend an open invitation to prospective buyers to meet with us and establish a truly United alliance between club and fans that would be a powerful force " why the fuck would any buyer want to discuss any mulit-million pound business deal with them??.. "The NUSC, with a fast growing membership, will soon be writing to the club's main sponsors and advertisers to request that they end their business relationship with a Mike Ashley owned Newcastle United. " who the fuck are they to tell sponsors and advertisers to end business deals with nufc? http://www.newcastle-united-supporters-clu...letter-3010.php "The purpose of this letter is to request a meeting with the clubs owner, Mike Ashley and the Managing Director, Derek Llambias as well as Keith Harris (Seymour Pierce) to seek an update regarding the progress regards the sale of Newcastle United FC. We are not seeking access to confidential commercially sensitive information but believe as a representative body for supporters we are entitled to a dialogue with the people who are currently pivotal to the future of the club we have all supported for many years. " you are entitled to fuck all , absolutely fuck all... "We do not believe it unreasonable to request that this meeting take place in Newcastle, though if necessary will travel to London or anywhere else in the UK if this is more agreeable to you. We would urge you to find a suitable date before the end of November 2008." what next for nu$c? an attempt to resolve all famine and war?
  18. However the "clueless cunts" that you so highly speak of had a selection of questions agreed with the reporter, all of which were with the proviso that if they arent answered then it will be made clear in the article thats what happened. So you'll know if any of those damning ones were refused because it will say "No Comment" or the like. NUSC are money grabbing attention seeking arseholes , the idea is right but it's ran by whinging old cunts who have published nothing but cringeworthy statements through TF.
  19. no doubt the 'meeting' will reveal fuck all , and the most damning questions were binned / unanswered
  20. hope not. they're all clueless cunts.
  21. have the samsung pixxon m8800, it's bollocks.
  22. aye a right clueless cunt. Prefer Kinnear.
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