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Everything posted by Geordiejihad

  1. Kid , youre young and obviously dont know much ..whilst Taylor isnt a world beater ...he will end up a very good player if he goes to Everton and is guided by Moyes. At this stage Taylor is a good PREMIER centre half , someone like Moyes could watch Taylor for a handful of games and see the potential in him , which is why hes a Manager of a Premiership Team and your not .
  2. Anyone with a brain would get out of this club asap ....WE ARE BEING ASSET STRIPPED !!! ASHLEY IS THE PROBLEM !! FOCUS ON THAT INSTEAD OF PLAYING BLAME THE PLAYER... FFS...
  3. Tell you what ..if Shola the Goal Ameobi keeps banging em in ...the fuckers will sell him too...
  4. Yeah ...i reckon David Moyes knows a bit more about football than you sonny : )
  5. Re; Below average Premier player ...Yeah cos thats why Everton want him ...you muppet.
  6. If Fatty and Lambhuna had the roofs of the stands dismantled and sold off , theyd tell fans it was to let more light in ...guess what? Theres 25 , 000 knackers that would believe them - THATS why we are FUCKED.
  7. Taylor last to go?? Plenty more time for others to leave yet !
  8. The only other question to answer ...is how many more knackers will turn to our next home game , safe in the knowledge that even whats left of the team is being dismantled in front of their very eyes . Jesus ! How much do you have to take before you realise we are being asset stripped !!! Does Ashley have to start ripping out the seats around you and sell em on fucking Ebay !!??? WAKE UP !!! MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY !!CLUB IS DYING , CLUB IS DYING !! FFS...
  9. If Taylor goes it means he KNOWS that Shearer isnt coming back , that Fatty is staying , and quite frankly i cant blame him for wanting to be off in those circumstances ...its the McKeag Seymour years all over again...
  10. Wish i could be more upbeat , but i call it how i see it...
  11. Taylor will be sold , Krul possibly too , Fatty isnt selling up , weve been duped again , theres a lot of games in the CCC , our squad is shrinking and we will end up mid table - that is all...
  12. To Jfk and Ashley - "Youre going home in a fuckin ambulance" ! The old ones are the best : )
  13. The "committee" say to "say nowt" ? FUCK THE FUCKIN COMMITTEE FUCK EM ALL , WE BURY THOSE COCKAROACHES ! FUCK Mark Jensen and his fuckin MAG too with their "get behind the lads bullshit " ....aint gonna be any lads left at this rate you FUCKIN MUPPETS! GET TO FUCK THE LOT OF YOU , AND PISS OFF OUT OF MY SIGHT ...... WE GOIN TO WAR , WE GONNA EAT THAT ASHLEY FO BREAKFAST .....
  14. Two fuckin years!!??? I cant stand two more minutes of this cunt.
  15. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/120064...ts-Toon-s-call- Fuck it , thats it , no more for me ....
  16. It was so Dennis Wise could have someone to bum.
  17. Fatty has a short while before he pulls up the drawbridge that was the Sale of the club/end of yet another transfer window...personally , i think Krul , Taylor (S), Jonas will be gone. Fatty will allow a couple of Spurs Yooth in on loan ( next to no wages) and we will have been hoodwinked again. Question is - how many more times will the fat prick pull the same trick before 25, 000 thick Geordies wake up and keep their money in their pockets?
  18. Hope the coppers beat the shit out of everyone.
  19. Big girls blouse wants move to Greece , where homosexuality was invented....fuck off n take curly nut with you
  20. If Jonas cant cross the ball ..then hes no fuckin use to us - get rid asap.
  21. We still desperately need bodies in ...centre half , right back , replacement for Jonas ....etc
  22. Surely Ranger / Carroll next week ? Peddle Shola now - give the cunt away if we have to....
  23. Jonas -shit Smith - more than adequate stand in for Butt
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