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Everything posted by Geordiejihad

  1. The safety of Inglez is under threat, please ban this peadophile. Below the belt ! : ) Dream on kidda ... Ashley in charge ... everything hunky fuckin dory ... dont mind me ..im just a cynic : )
  2. Nah ..dont ...bedtime : ) Dont take this too seriously kids ... or like NUFC it'll kill ya ! : ) Peace ..and out : )
  3. Inglez ... come back and fight ...you coward !! : )
  4. Ooh shut your face you sour faced bugger ..we enjoy it : )
  5. You're 46, you state the fucking obvious, created a resistance organisation, critical of the NUSC and boring. Are you based in Newcastle? Arent you in English class yet !?? : ) You should be with all those question marks. *Aren't. ...Get me? Well ...its been a pleasure do pop in again ..anytime : ) Whats up kiddo? Homework gotten a bit boring for you has it? : ) Aye whatever, you should go help your grandkids with theirs, thats if you can get out your wheelchair. Anyways's i'm not staying on here to argue with some grandad. BTW you should probably call your carer, you've probbaly drooled all over your keyboard or having a heart attack at the excitement that someone has actually recognised you on the board. ...Get me? Now then ..be nice to your olders ( and betters : )
  6. You're 46, you state the fucking obvious, created a resistance organisation, critical of the NUSC and boring. Are you based in Newcastle? Arent you in English class yet !?? : ) Slip up ...struggling I wish : ) Then i could retire ...instead im having fun with the chuckle brothers: )
  7. Those SATS must be a real pain ... dont worry ..the rest of us appreciate your problems : )
  8. You're 46, you state the fucking obvious, created a resistance organisation, critical of the NUSC and boring. Are you based in Newcastle? Arent you in English class yet !?? : ) You should be with all those question marks. *Aren't. ...Get me? Whats up kiddo? Homework gotten a bit boring for you has it? : )
  9. Master ...please don't punish me for such a minor offence 46. Ok just this once though : )
  10. You're 46, you state the fucking obvious, created a resistance organisation, critical of the NUSC and boring. Are you based in Newcastle? Arent you in English class yet !?? : )
  11. Listen ..i heard about the last meeting ...bit of a to do ... the people in charge preferred to stick their heads in the sand ..lifes too fuckin short ... good luck with your attempts ..i wish you all the best ...but i dont see your point of view prevailing unfortunately ... that type of thing is made for compromisers and bureaucrats .... dont waste your time ... all the best.
  12. 7-9 games is nothing ...look at the last 40 years ...you get me? : )
  13. All im saying is ..look at the wider picture ...always... never take your eye off the ball ...Wouldnt say this if i hadnt seen it a thousand times before ..under various regimes...
  14. See? We are only trying to be realistic ..any league is a Marathon ..not a sprint ... and we have been fucked over ..so many times before ( you were born ) ... were just trying to save you the heartache : )
  15. I think the same although now we are o.k it only takes a few bad weeks or more players gone and its back against the walls again, but in fairness i hope i am wrong and proven to be (fingers crossed) Ta for the sane reply ...some of the bairns think ten points = success ! : ) Of course they know nowt ..but they'll find that out by and by : ) See your wrong we've never said it means success, but it is very positive that we're playing well and top of the league. But of course we get people like you which type LIKE THIS AND ARE LIKE ZOMG WE'RE DOOMED LOLZ1111 ASHLEY NEVER SELLZ WE'RE GOING DOON. Again 46? Aye definetly. You know Newcastle College do wonderful English courses for Refugees like yourself : )
  16. PS Im not here to depress you .. im trying to wake you up !
  17. ROFLMAO !!! Could be left with a thin squad!!! Are you for fuckin real !!??? WE HAVE A THIN SQUAD MORON - WE HAD ONE LAST YEAR AND ITS EVEN THINNER NOW !!! Got me? GOOD ... 46? We have a thin squad, but we're still winning. Stop putting the hope down you depressing bastard. Ok Genius heres a question ...2 or 3 injuries ... what do you think will happen to our league position? Take your time : )
  18. I think the same although now we are o.k it only takes a few bad weeks or more players gone and its back against the walls again, but in fairness i hope i am wrong and proven to be (fingers crossed) Ta for the sane reply ...some of the bairns think ten points = success ! : ) Of course they know nowt ..but they'll find that out by and by : )
  19. ROFLMAO !!! Could be left with a thin squad!!! Are you for fuckin real !!??? WE HAVE A THIN SQUAD MORON - WE HAD ONE LAST YEAR AND ITS EVEN THINNER NOW !!! Got me? GOOD ...
  20. F5 ... Wank ... Alert! I'm a Geordie ... struggling Dear me ..struggling for a reply of any substance ... : )
  21. Ooh dear me ...i do seem to have upset the bairns a bit ... : ) Keep on believing in Ashley if you want to folks ...but ive been here before ..several times ..it never ends well... get used to that fact children : )
  22. Come Monday .. im betting ( but not hoping ) that Fat Boy will remain in charge... we could be minus another 3 players by then ... a very thin squad in a league with MORE games ..now whos the moron ... keep your eye on the ball kidda ...dont let Fat Boy fool you....
  23. Possibly opportunity missed there Jihad ... the people want results ... upon the struggle a Geordie will rise .:. Hey there kiddo ...you starting to get the idea ...stay awake now : )
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