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Everything posted by Geordiejihad

  1. Much as we all loved Sir Bob , The Keegan years are the best years this club has ever had in my lifetime ( Im mid forties), but hey , lets say goodbye in style ...Wylam Brewery have produced a fine drop of splosh called Wor Bobby , some of the profits go to his charity , great excuse to get lathered : )
  2. Never mind the monkey , i want rid of the fat organ grinder....
  3. Gonna be easy huh? Long way to go , lotsa games to play , could just as easily finish mid table as top...
  4. This could get really juicy. Wonder which court its at? / protests Kev's perfectly entitled to it and I hope he wins. THIS X A MILLION .
  5. Ashley , gang fucked by a bunch of viscious criminals , that would make for a very happy Xmas : )
  6. Hi Mike , time to meet the "Toss my salad " man : )
  7. BUMP : ) Be some bullfruit queer waiting for him in the showers at Durham , ready to tear him a new one : )
  8. No , but i have heard the chant "Theres only one fuckin signing " : )
  9. NO must be full of mongs , cos hes stringing them along like puppets on a string at the mo.... NO the site that thought Ashley could be trusted more than Keegan ... Bunch of sub literate muppets : )
  10. NO are wanking themselves over this "story" - ....suckers.....
  11. Those fuckers need a proppa shop , like Greenhalls(?) on Wallsend high st - bears the legend "Shop here , and have more left over for beer n tabs ! " : )
  12. 5pm Tuesday ALWAYS meant nowt , just takes some folk longer to wake up to that FACT.
  13. TBH people might as well post articles claiming Martians have flown in to discuss buying us : )
  14. Come Tuesday 5pm , i shall pour myself a very large glass of wine , stick some suitably mournful Morrissey on the Cd player , and contemplate the FACT , that this club was never for sale , that every Thai , Yank , Local "buyout" was a press release issued indirectly via Llambias/Ashley . 25 000 fans have been taken for fools yet again , and all it takes to get the poor sods hoping , is yet another bullshit rumour about a possible takeover . I for one do not believe the latest buyout nonsense and wont be going back this side of Ashleys death , hopefully with a stake driven through his big fat chest - just to make sure !
  15. Shouldnt that be transfer Slurry? Any incoming will surely be shit : )
  16. In the process of buying the old denim shirt off ebay , plan on trimming back that bloody awful huge collar , has anyone else altered a hallowed shirt?
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...n.html?ITO=1490 Hmmmm ...
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