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Everything posted by Geordiejihad

  1. You know kids , in life , theres only one way to address a problem ..thats guaranteed to work ..every single time ...without fail. What you do is ...you look the problem square in the eye ...and then ...YOU KICK ITS FUCKIN TEETH DOWN ITS THROAT! Little hint ...Ashley IS the problem...
  2. What they mean , is nothings going to stop them drinking at the match with their mates on a saturday ...the team / club hardly comes into it for those people ...NUFC is just a convenient backdrop to get pissed to on a weekend. Well FUCK THEM RIGHT IN THE EYE , they dont fuckin fool me .
  3. "Nothings going to spoil my saturday"?? WTF , it already did , its a fat cunt called Ashley . Work that one out children and were halfway to getting the cunt out : )
  4. Thanks CT im assuming youre an old git like me ( 40s )and can remember similar times to today ( tho even Mckeag & co or even friggin Lord Westwood wouldnt have dared sell the fuckin name of the stadium !) Stiva ...step aside kiddo , there are fuckin adults on here now , so run along , you little prick : )
  5. NUST are a curious lot , they hover between proactive genius ( fans buying a stake in the club / the club) ...to the reactive/passive/ dumb ie A petition. Also they issue statements like "Its not about Ashley out ...its about Newcastle fans in " ...IT FUCKIN WELL IS ABOUT ASHLEY OUT ! Honestly , people had more spunk in the days of Mckeag / Seymour , weve become 52, 000 + zombies , unable to think for ourselves , demanding nothing , and getting nothing in return, except the latest wheeze from Ashley & co which amounts to being shat on .Personally , i dont like being shat on , i wont stand for it , i have too much self respect. That is why i havent been back since Keegan left and wont go back till Ashley leaves . Maybe other fans like their noses being rubbed in the shit , maybe they just dont have the stones to deny themselves the season ticket ( i lost the thick end of 500 quid last season , thanks to principles)...Fans now , are in the same position as some pathetic battered wife , bloodied and bruised , raped on occasion , but lacking the moral courage , the willpower , to stand up for themselves , and leave,. Until they do , nothing will change ...welcome to the future.
  6. Physical violence always works best : )
  7. Problem is , that despite Fattys best attempts to wind fans up , make them angry etc ...most fans are mugs and passive ones at that.Witness NUST and their petition ...fuck a petition ..howzabout a fuckin FATWA !!? : )
  8. Lets all invite Mike Ashley for a pre match drink at The Strawberry
  9. Rioting ..its the new going out : )
  10. Tell ya what , whether he comes back to SJP or not ...Heez fuckin windaas is gannin in ! : )
  11. Yknow ..if this was an Italian club , he would never have made it back on to his helicopter : ) Lets make him an offer he cant refuse...
  12. NUST ....a talking shop and total waste of time ..."We're not a protest group" WHY THE FUCK NOT , YOU MUPPETS !
  13. Hughtons next : ) after hes appointed of course ....
  14. http://www.facebook.com/toontalklive Alright mate , brilliant mate , great mate , and now Joe Allon in a toilet , mate : )
  15. "Hello mate, alright mate, brilliant mate , fantastic mate , ta mate and now over to Joe Allon , Joe mate how you doing mate"? : )
  16. The pro Ashley propaganda starts early then http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport...p;ATTR=Football Complete and utter bullshit , from a "source " inside Newcastle or , in other words Llambias - the bastard ...
  17. For all those idiotic - "Its our / NUFC s money " - as soon as you knackers handed over your money to Ashley - it became HIS money , as such i hope Kev arse rapes the fat bastard for as much as possible VIVA KEEGAN !
  18. Hope the fat cunt gets raped by the Fraud squad n all : )
  19. Whereas Ashley has dragged us through 2 years of utter shite for 2 years and sold off the decent players we had for financial gain. Still on his side? 'The club' is rotten to the core and I don't support 'the club' at the present time, I support the 11 players who turn out on the pitch and the management / coaching team. This 'club' is very different to the one that Keegan managed over a decade ago. Keegan however, hasn't. I support him all the way. This , plus i 100 per cent hope he takes Ashley to the cleaners , both financially and in terms of the press when Kev is free to speak his mind and tell us the truth , im behind him all the way . S'long as the club is OWNED by Ashley , the club can take a fuckin hike .
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