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Everything posted by Geordiejihad

  1. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcas...72703-25051349/ Its not a dream Chris ..its a fuckin nightmare ...
  2. Tom save your cash ! PRS ...horrible guitars ...get a vintage strat or tele ...maybe even a custom shop ...you'll thank me in the long run believe me : )
  3. Basically ( Basically Rollers : ) there needs to be a summit of all interested parties pretty sharpish ...that means NUST THE MAG people from this message board and other boards / fanzines ....Anger is an energy : )
  4. Speaking of WW2 ..i have this awful vision of a Chamberlain like NUST spokesman outside of St James ( Tescos ..whatever) waving a piece of paper in his hand .."I have a statement here from Herr Ashley " ......
  5. Tom ..nice lookin strat btw ... get yourself a vintage re issue if you can ... the fuckin donkeys : )
  6. PP ; wish you all the best with your petition etc ...but you may as well send a message to the spirit world to Sir Bobby ... Get people organised to march / protest ...isnt that what the NUST is for? If not ..then WTF is the reason for your existence?
  7. Christ ..another kid ...good to see youve got the good sense to play a strat : ) Yeah ...well..i was a socialist when i was your age ..like i said ..its a learning curve : )
  8. Craig ; Its not a reasoned argument ... its an excuse for doing nothing ... and its a confused excuse at that. When Adolf invaded Poland ..Churchill didnt say "Wait and see" ....Honestly this is like an old Bill Hicks routine with the massed ranks of NUFC fans kneeling before Ashleys smelly cock ... Ashley to crowd "SUCK ASHLEYS COCK!!!"
  9. Thats the problem with the fans/mugs of this club ..Low Horizons ..every time ..ever wondered why you never get anywhere?
  10. Nah ..he'd bomb Mike Ashleys house flat ..just like Dresden : )
  11. PP ; You know the Victorian era is dead ..you no longer have to tug your forelock to people like Ashley ...
  12. PP If your defeatist attitude is typical of NUST ..then youve got no chance...
  13. PP re ; Marches / Protests ..."If you organise it ...they will come " : )
  14. In order to win this one we all have to think LONG TERM ...if that means eschewing promotion this season ..then so be it ..the long term is what matters
  15. PP We are long past the point that the man has any excuses ...waaay past ...Rush out and protest??? Since when did the 52 000 passive mugs do that? Youre better when youre proactive ..not reactive.... PS he will do all of the above come what may anyway ,dont you read the fuckin papers?? Read the Keegan judgement ...those fuckers systematically (including that cunt Mort )LIED to the fans , as a matter of course , as an expression of everything that they stand for ... Ashley and Co tell lies like other people breathe ..and its KILLING this club ...and you want to hang on and see ...GET FUCKIN REAL FFS !!!
  16. In the end you must all do what your conscience tells you to do , thats your choice ...but you cant see it from the same perspective as CT and myself ..cos you havent been around long enough ..its a learning curve kids ..and youre welcome to it : )
  17. Point were making here Craig ..is that weve seen this all before ..many fuckin times i might add ..so we tend to take the long term view of whats best for the club ..and have learned , through bitter experience ..not to get taken for mugs.
  18. CT ..he could do all of the above ...and he'd get a fuckin petition in response ...sadly ...
  19. Oooh stop it now ...youre scaring me : ) Did your mum give you some help in writing that response ? : ) Not at all, you boring old bastard : ) Oooh look readers ..his dads pitched in to help as well ... i hope your homework reads a lot better than this kiddo ..the economy is knackered for the next few years and you'll struggle to get a job as a toilet attendant with literacy skills as limited as this : ) Yes Jihad, just another one of your absurd assumptions. You wont get a job as a male model either ..if that photos anything to go by ! : )
  20. CT you beat me to it ...sensible and correct response ... strangely , we'd be better off with lower crowds and a lower league position ...hes not in it for the long haul ..hes in it for the money/profit ..take that away and hes got no reason to stay .
  21. Oooh stop it now ...youre scaring me : ) Did your mum give you some help in writing that response ? : ) Not at all, you boring old bastard : ) Oooh look readers ..his dads pitched in to help as well ... i hope your homework reads a lot better than this kiddo ..the economy is knackered for the next few years and you'll struggle to get a job as a toilet attendant with literacy skills as limited as this : )
  22. Oooh stop it now ...youre scaring me : ) Did your mum give you some help in writing that response ? : )
  23. ah, so you're a total wanker as well as a total idiot. Might as well complete the set. Ok , ill let that one slide , youre only a 19 year old kid ..and you dont know anything just yet ...give yourself another 20 odd years or so ..then maybe we can talk ..until then youre just staring at your own reflection kiddo ...have fun getting raped by Ashley : )
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