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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. Hmm, a bloody strange one this! Cannit suss it out!
  2. Divnt kna how to do that like How?
  3. Nah, theyre definatley right like.
  4. Never had a problem with them before like?
  5. Alreet all.. Just changed me ink cartridges and theyre inserted correctly like, but the colour is way off for some reason.. Red is coming out yellow, and Black is coming out Green. Any ideas what the problem is?
  6. Can anyone enlighten me please? What the hell is that? Or maybe its best i dont know!! A pubic hair in ones foreskin, i would believe?
  7. Horrendous, Mr Daley. Fucking Horrenous.
  8. Straight down the hole you're digging in another thread!? I've said it once, i'll say it again.. Fuck off!
  9. Look up the sexual practice of tea bagging on t'internet A kna what that is man, but i divnt kna what Mancy's on about?! It was just a joke. I was playing on the concept of shaved bollocks and open mouths and exploiting the ambiguity caused by the fact that there were no other eye witnesses on here. For the record everyone, Luke didnt actually plant his baby smooth plums in Thompson's gob. Thank fuck for that, i thought i might of said summit in jest when pissed - therefor leaving me open for a good few years of piss taking... On reflection, i think i have actually done that... Luke..would you like to distance yourself from that last comment? Jesus man Thompson....this stuff writes itself whenever you post. Fuck off!
  10. Inspiral Carpets - Directing Traffik
  11. Look up the sexual practice of tea bagging on t'internet A kna what that is man, but i divnt kna what Mancy's on about?! It was just a joke. I was playing on the concept of shaved bollocks and open mouths and exploiting the ambiguity caused by the fact that there were no other eye witnesses on here. For the record everyone, Luke didnt actually plant his baby smooth plums in Thompson's gob. Thank fuck for that, i thought i might of said summit in jest when pissed - therefor leaving me open for a good few years of piss taking... On reflection, i think i have actually done that...
  12. Look up the sexual practice of tea bagging on t'internet A kna what that is man, but i divnt kna what Mancy's on about?!
  13. I really should keep me mouth shut when im pissed, shouldnt i? You promised Luke you wouldnt mention the tea-bagging incident.
  14. I really should keep me mouth shut when im pissed, shouldnt i?
  15. Dyers goal was a cracking finish like, i must say!
  16. Fucking cunt, it wouldve been mint if someone had kicked the little twat all over.
  17. Fucking Taylor dropping another rick for their goal.. He's been shite recently.
  18. Fucking get in, i was expecting a twatting off them today an aal!
  19. Uh Oh. You're dripping with 'boyband' bling at the mo you dodgy bastard! And thats without getting started on the shaved bollocks! For me its just a simple gold chain, but it aint on show and it never comes off-ie it doesnt get co-ordinated with clothing etc. Jesus wept tbh. I think youd suit a diamond stud in yer ear, mr Mancy.
  20. Thompson

    Wacky Jnr

    I downloaded the Sugarhill Gangs greatest hits the other day, fucking mint!! Im midway through getting some Troublefunk an aal!
  21. Not bad like, got fucking loads of college work to do.. Dealine for it is tomorra an aal.. grr
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