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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. Thompson i know that was a pisstake, but i know your real views arent far off that ..we're English, we don't burn flags, burn tyres in the street, have siestas, have a national day, kill our leaders, have a government based on what tribe you are, name our streets after dates of revolutions or famous battles, kidnap people for political reasons, chop the heads off people..it just ain't English. We give rights to people from countries that have no rights, where we are not allowed to practise our religion, or even drink. I am proud of our tolerance, but hate the fact that our tolerance means we are a soft spot for muslims. FFS, if you are a refugee from a muslim country, go to a country that is muslim. We don't protest in the streets too much..unless animals are involved.. Marching is for people with facial hair (and that's just the ladies), 4x4's, Barbour jackets.. There are 49 million in this country..and about 4 thousand were marching in London on Saturday.. It will take a GREAT man (or woman) to unite the silent majority.. It'd be great if every England flag in Germany this summer had a White Dragon on it..but it won't happen.. Rant over.... ITALIAN SQUAD FOR WORLD CUP 2006 Baloni Potbelli Beerbelli Giveitsumwelli Wotsontelli Yrarseissmelli Onetoomani Legslikejelli Havabenni Wobblijelli Spendapenni SUBS: Cantthinkofani Buggermi 93614[/snapback] A kna whet yer saying like, but i think it's going abit to far to agree with views of BNP, NF and UBA etc. Fact is they spout loads of bollocks just to try and get more members, maybe some of what they say is true - but it isnt as wide spread as they make out. To say every paki is a bomber is abit daft like. I agree something should be done about the wankers who hate Britian and burn the flag on our streets, but it's hard to find exactly who they are - it's not as if they will admit it.
  2. I vote we lynch every paki we see, tbh
  3. Thompson


    If anyone finds a pack of guitar strings, 3 picks and a machine head tightener on the metty pass them back ower my way... 8 quid doon the fucking shitter CUNTS
  4. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/...ic,14918.0.html Christ on a bike, tbh.
  5. Given with save from the resulting corner too!
  6. Or right click the link, save target as, stick it on your desktop, and then open it. Means it'll be there whenever you need it for future games. 92765[/snapback] Cheers mate, didnt think of that!
  7. http://a924.l609521693.c6095.g.lm.akamaist...reflector:21693 Click File, then open url and paste that into windows media player.
  8. I can dee that like, but not into the top corner... Infact it usually trickles along the floor
  9. I think aaalan is the real Alan Shearer in disguise
  10. Of course i do.. Hail Allah! the comments in this post do not represent the veiws of the poster.
  11. Look like a top class outfit like.. Christ
  12. Im aware of the spelling mistake
  13. Just aquired 10 Green Day albums, including 2 albums of early gigs... So i'll be listening to them for the forseeable future !
  14. The Smiths - Reel Around the Fountain
  15. Thompson


    Your right mate, cheers very much!
  16. Thompson


    Looks like thats the one mate, but im still not sure
  17. Thompson


    I dont think it was a high profile film... The news report bit was meant to be a report interrupting the film, but it was just part of the film (to make the veiwer think this was really going on). Im sure the title had something about an Alien in it, maybe the asteroid was a spaceship hitting the ski resort.
  18. Dunno if that can be classed as an article, what a tosspot.
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