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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. Hold 3 pints at once, or 2 and a tab... as i say, endless possibilities!
  2. Lucky nowt, i wish i had an extra hand.. Think of the possibilities!
  3. Richard should've knocked the little cunt Sezer out when he squared upto him.. I dunno why Sezer thinks he's a hard nut like. Eat Shabaz for breakfast? He could'nt handle a bowl of friggin Shreddies man!! Actually scratch that comment, he's from the 'Ghetto' and therefore must be nails.
  4. well there was hefty searching going on at the entrance, sniffer dogs and plenty coppers but sometimes the search was a little lax, they were meant to check for opened bottles etc however TL filled a 2 litre pop bottle with Rose wine and packed it into the rucksack along with a selection of goodies, home made sarnies, sweets, water, kagoules, blanket, fridge, kitchen sink.... bloke took one look inside and must've thought "Jeesus its gonna take an hour to unpack that lot and anyways anyone who buys Marks & Spencers party selection must be trustworthy!" 142220[/snapback]
  5. They managed to get rid of the drugs then.. According to the news a 14 year old kid was taken to hospital due to drug use
  6. I see that Dawn has been kicked out now.. It's not going to be a very long show this year if everyone fucks off in the 1st week!
  7. Roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a Bridge.
  8. Just had to pay Nexus 20 quid for dodging the Metro.. If only i'd seen this thread, you could've lend me the dough!
  9. 'Hey there, Blimpy boy, flying through the sky so fancy free'
  10. I heard he is a season ticket holder at Barca.
  11. I guess you stand? I'm getting sick of Alexi Sayle and Harry Potter having a go like. 136783[/snapback] Aye, i stand. Got kicked out against Charlton for it. The daft bint who booted me has memorised me name and said 'Hello Chris, your'e on the list' at the Mackems away game
  12. Leazes L7, 2 rows from the back - just to the right of the goal.
  13. Loves flaunting it with his shirt unbuttoned in the carling academy on sat neet
  14. Love the smell of a Barby on a summaz day like!
  15. 5'7 and 12 stone, yes im a fat cunt..!
  16. Why dont they reprint them in a different colour or sumit?
  17. Garage? Posh cunt, i call it the car hole.
  18. To be fair, match worn shirts do have a plastic crest.
  19. Thompson

    Stupid Twat

    My sig doesnt imply the same things as your retarded photoshop job poached off the net. So indeed you are the stupid twat. Nob 129917[/snapback] Did you take the photo of Shearer on your sig? or did you 'poach' it off the net? 129927[/snapback] 129931[/snapback]
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