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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. Aye, i am.. Just work the 2 days like, I gan to college during the week.
  2. Aye, part time on a Friday and Sat mornings.. Kluivert was in all the time like
  3. Never seen a Burberry cap in level 7 in my life...
  4. Agreed. Are you the one that stands at the back with Craig and all them? I think I distinctly remember you getting kicked out by the stewards at the Charlton home game this season for persistant standing? Ridiculous if it was you, they were handing out fucking letters telling us that it's safer to sit down. If it is you, I sit a about 6 rows directly in front of you. (I only know who he is by a pic of him that he had on MSN - and I only know who you are by a pic you posted of yourself on N-O) 153520[/snapback] Aye, that was me
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7a4RpJ3U0Q...kins%20-%20zero
  6. Coming from the kid who loves to mention he plays hockey in every post he makes? SPACKA (Did i mention, im playing Hockey later?)
  7. Thompson

    FAO Thompson

    Destroyed. etc etc
  8. I meant the video, but either way works! heh
  9. Thompson

    FAO Thompson

    Glad i could be of service
  10. Thought it was a fly at first like, but thats canny mad when it shoots off!
  11. Keep up at the back. Was posted yonks agan, man
  12. I think the joke was he was he did nowt, and was invisible on the pitch?
  13. Watched in the Firestation in Whitley, match was shite really like!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkTtUK9DKbY...rch=moe%20dance
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