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Everything posted by Thompson

  1. those are EXACTLY the style of shoe hubby took the piss out of!! Said they looked like his dad used to wear years ago! Zico, unles you're a young trendy pup, i'd go for something plainish, a soft mule type is more classical and smart. 162271[/snapback] They ARE what my Dad wears now! All that crimp-edged leather looks fucking awful to me! 162280[/snapback] Well i like 'em, so naff off!
  2. those are EXACTLY the style of shoe hubby took the piss out of!! Said they looked like his dad used to wear years ago! Zico, unles you're a young trendy pup, i'd go for something plainish, a soft mule type is more classical and smart. 162271[/snapback] Yer hubby is one seriously uncool cat, if he thinks my shoes are uncool.
  3. Thompson

    New Phone

    The joystick on my Sony Ericsson is playing up abit like, just full of dust i reckon - need to give it a good cleaning.
  4. Thats the style. I didnt post my exact ones as they've got pizza remains from when i booted a slice after a night on the drink!
  5. I'm pretty sure he lives in Swansea. 162241[/snapback] Ah well, i tried to help at least!
  6. Cheap plain black shoes are the way forward. I got a pair for like 5 quid from a shop in Eldon Square. Cannit remember the name (may be Shoe World or sumit!), but if you go into eldon through the monument entrance, go up the escalators directly infront, then once you get to the top - the shop is on yer right.
  7. Someone explain that joke, i dont get it
  8. Its deeing me nappa in this like, im sure i hav'nt just imagined it!
  9. I tried drawing it.. Obviously its a tad bit better then that like!
  10. Nah, its not a real photo either . It's like a print. Im sure theres a military style star on the front somwhere an all. Sorry, am being an awkward get!
  11. The bear is on all fours walking towards the left of the case as you look at it. I think it's red, it may be brown.
  12. Anyone, please?! It's deein me head in! I think the album came out last year.
  13. Which CD is it that the cover is like a red bear walking along a beige background? I think it's the bands logo - or am i imagining it?
  14. Only ever had one once. I was in science at school when i was aboot 14 - spewed all over someones bag!
  15. Anyone got Thom Yorke's album? If so, is it worth getting?
  16. This thread has inspired me to dig out the old style wars video, nice one!
  17. Cannit wack a Salt and Vinegar crisp and Red sauce sarnie, like.
  18. Brock plays hockey and therefore must be hard.. In the male changing rooms.
  19. Would be alreet if not for the daft devil on it
  20. One thing is wanting to fuck her like, but actually listening to her music? Loony!
  21. I use the fucker nigh on every day, going to College or Work.. Got my driving test soon so fingers crossed i wont have to for much longer!!
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