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About Thompson

  • Birthday 05/08/1988

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  • Location
    Whitley Bay

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  1. Thompson

    Odd people

    Daft Michael. When i worked in Greggs in Shields when i was at College, he used to shout through the door all the time. Proper loon!
  2. Don't get me wrong, i had a wry smile when they went down with the 15 and 19 points or whatever it was . They look like they just won the Champions League on that picture like, fuckin cringeworthy!
  3. Just having a scan through this thread then this image pops up... I'd actually be fucking embarrassed if we ever went on like that upon hearing about a Sunderland relegation. Question for the mackems: Are you lot actually proud of this image?
  4. No idea who you are. Did you drive an Astra cabriolet? Nah, not me bonny lad! Or is this one of the famous Toontastic in jokes? Thompers? that was him...I think Apologies Nee bother mate! I remember a Thompers from when i used to post. Name nicking cunt!
  5. Ah yes, that name rings a bell! Not sure if you hated me.. Just thought there, it's been 10 years (i think) since i first signed up on here.. Was the old linxdriven.net board made 2001?
  6. No idea who you are. Did you drive an Astra cabriolet? Nah, not me bonny lad! Or is this one of the famous Toontastic in jokes?
  7. I used to have them too, but they're on the computer at me Mam and Dads, pain!
  8. No doubt on Youtube by now? Cannit see them bud. Was hoping for a list of them, as there's one i wanna watch - but can't remember the title!
  9. Cheers Dales. Much appreciate your help
  10. The first lass really needs to stop sniffing speed like.
  11. How's it gan yeez lot? Wondering if anyone remembers a load of compilation NUFC videos done by a lad called Pedro and if they're still kicking about online?
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