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Everything posted by JUICE690

  1. Yup. Ashley can't afford the keep bluffing as he's fast running out of chips. Sauce...? His net worth is around 700m now and that inc most of his assets. Rule of thumb is that these guys have about 20% liquid....I'd say he can't lay his hands on more than 150m if he really needed it. I was doing a crappy play on words joke but thanks anyway
  2. Yup. Ashley can't afford the keep bluffing as he's fast running out of chips. Sauce...?
  3. Is he being blindfolded? Derek- "Which one do you like the feel of mike?"
  4. Ashley strikes me as someone who does everything off the cuff. He probably woke up one day and thought 'fuck it, I've had enough'. I certainly hope so anyway. Maybe he's like the Dice Man? One - I sign Shearer as manager Two - I sell the club Three - I stick my wife's dildo up my arse Etc Ashley "Magic 8 Ball should I employ Shearer as manager before the club is sold...?" Magic 8 Ball "Your a twat!"
  5. I'm picturing them all gathering around one computer, bucked toothed and giggling like a bunch of 14 year old backwater -(me sisters-me-wife) fuckwits. "Mungo! it's your turn on puter-tele!"
  6. Apparently this guy is also interested, seems awfully familiar...
  7. It reads like a line up for the Wacky Racers.
  8. I hate SSN a little bit more with every passing day. Even worse it's only a matter of time before two phones Burton is back on screen going "Big transfer news coming out of London. Jonjo Shelvey is on his way to Blackpool in a £750,000 deal. Wow, eh?" Indeed, desperate for transfer news regarding us last window and all they kept banging on about was Dimitar - Fucking - Berbatov Think that's his full name...?
  9. Do you think they all speak in unison, like some freaky twin thing? "Our name is the Profitable Group: for we are many"
  10. He'll be more than happy to bang one in against them for Real if they meat in the Champion League. Ronaldo is all about Ronaldo.
  11. He's a grade A cunt is Jimmy 'cuntface' Grieves. I'll be delighted when he can only be contacted through a medium.
  12. Aye! You might be looking at our potential first team squad for next season.
  13. As am I in a strange kinda way. Just hope to god we have some sort of structure by then.
  14. If this shite doesn't get sorted soon we could be taking all our big earning dead weight players (in contract) down with us! we won't even get the chance to sell them on What are the dates regarding the transfer window opening/closing?
  15. Quotes from Llambias apparently (from N-O). I struggle to believe anything that comes out of that slimebag's gob but I suppose the talk of interested parties direct from the MD is slightly encouraging. Which is it Keith, huh? Bumbling Idiot.
  16. From the Independent Newcastle United remain managerless three weeks before the squad is due to return to pre-season training. Another 24 hours passed without Alan Shearer receiving a call from club owner Mike Ashley to say that he is or is not wanted on a permanent basis. Given that Ashley's view a fortnight ago was that Shearer was the man for the job, Shearer is entitled to be bemused by the lack of information. If, as it increasingly appears, Ashley has decided to sell the club without appointing a manager, then Shearer deserves to be told, though that would cause fury on Tyneside. With City of London sources pouring cold water on claims from a Singapore-based company, the Profitable Group, that it has held talks with Ashley about a £100m buy-out, a UK-based consortium and an American grouping remain the two parties most likely to buy Newcastle. Who the fuck are we supposed to be listening to these days?
  17. I get a image of Ashely spinning round and round on an office swivel chair bare chested laughing out loud while Derrick nervously acts like a court jester slipping over occasionally on discarded pizza leftovers with a sardonicus smile painted on his face, all taking place in a huge empty boardroom bereft of any furniture bar a single white phone bleating out the hook tone and a single 90's green screen style pc flashing up the occasional email offer. But then I've been on the smack for most of the day.
  18. Shit source, but still if there is any truth in it.. Yea, I wouldn't be so sure about that.
  19. Sky just have another annoying 'Face you just wanna punch' image of captain fat. It's not pretty
  20. I wonder if they'll 'Love it' if it comes together... Hmmm...
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