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shear class!

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Everything posted by shear class!

  1. I'll give you 8/1 on that mate how much are your wages
  2. Old versions or Windows 7 versions? I'd just use dreamweaver cs4, along with fireworks with photoshop cs4. I would the clean all the nasty WYSIWYG html code that all the wysiwyg's leave behind!
  3. Some one just shoot the cunt.....! I cant think of any one I hate more then that useless prick!!!! Saying that Danny B comes in a close second
  4. sunderland? :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
  5. For fuck sakes only 91% loss, wheres the other 9%? Still ha ha ha ha ha
  6. The word on the street is that the £100-150m owed to Ashley is still part of the deal, its just that the new owners have two years to pay it. Cant be that would mean he would sell and get all his money back that he has put in. Not to mention the money he made in the transfer market. No one would even look at the books for that. I just cant see that mate IMO
  7. IMO If I was going to spend all this money on getting all of these great players in, then I would want to splash out on a decent manager too. Doesn't make sense to me. I would of sacked him when I bought the club if I knew how much was going to be spent. I would of then got a world class manager in like JFK and let him buy his own squad. I rekon he will be sacked in 3 months and then a new manager will be bought in with Hughes players.
  8. That 150 million debt, which is owed to that fat cunt Ashley will be written off. Otherwise how will Ashley be making the loss? Ahsley 100 million price tag will be all and he will take a hit on the 150 that the impression I have had, surley is the way it will pan out.
  9. Christ, you're not still going on are you? I had not read it untill I posted Still made me chuckle though! HaHa I'll be wary of any new threads from armchair penis in the futre LOL
  10. the best midfielder we got, and no one will take him anyway. probally wouldnt be even able to loan him out. So looks like he'll be staying. He'll do well next season ... |||I hope
  11. On what fucking grounds? Don't see why Ashley should benefit any more if the next imcumbent proves successful where he wasn't He really wanted to get 100 million that bad for the club he has put a clause in to get the other 20 on top of the 80 ha ha the checkey fat seaty cunt.....! If it does stay like that and by some miracle we get promoted back up next season, I'll deffinitly have mixed emmotions
  12. I can't see Man U fielding anything different. Ronaldo will be begging Fergie to play, thanks to the Anelka goal today. I think he may feature against Hull IMO he'll be begging he wants that golden boot all to himself....... Any thoughts on this anyone? I think you're right he will want to play but i think Fergie will tell him he isn't! Not even on the bench? I hope he does TBH..
  13. I can't see Man U fielding anything different. Ronaldo will be begging Fergie to play, thanks to the Anelka goal today. I think he may feature against Hull IMO he'll be begging he wants that golden boot all to himself....... Any thoughts on this anyone?
  14. This gives me hope TBH, boy will I be cheering on pompey monday night too..
  15. If by a miracle and we do stay up......... Do you rekon the close esacpe will force Ashley to spend big as he knows the team needs re building rather then get relagated next season with the same players? Maybe pump in 25 mill plus all the money owed for the likes of Given, the Zog and Milner? so 30+ million on players to spend, plus what ever money Al can generate from the shite thats there? Colo gone, Guttereize gone just tpo name a few and get in 5/6 fresh players?
  16. A draw may even be enough I reall hope. Hull will be fighting and be left open too... It all boils down to the last game
  17. Up the Pompey...! table as I have it finishing... Newcastle 37 Makems 36 --------------- hull 36 Boro 34 Westbrom 34 Well I can dream cant I?
  18. At least they have some real good young players that are more then capable of playin Hull of the park. The young'ens will be trying there best to make there mark on this game and there will be some massive peformances. TBH though I think I would much rather play the manc kids rather then Villa chasin 5th. They only have them selfs to blame tought TBH been fuckin shite all season long nowhere near good enough. The only one decent thing that would happen is that fat, ugly,tight ass, thick, narrow minded wanker Ashley will sell up!
  19. Ashley you CUNT! Come on Bolton.....!
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