I usually stay well away from these threads as I see no benefit in a daily self inflicted dose of gloom that I can do nothing about. This evening I have some time spare so have had a flick through.
Over the last few days I can’t even bring myself to watch the Oval Office stuff as I know it will sicken me.
The idea that Europe is going to step up and take Americas place as Western policeman is for the birds. Our governments like to look tough and talk the talk, but there’s not a hope they are going to dig deep and spend the sort of money that would be required.
As for Trump (and the real power above him), I think they are just desperate to get their hands on the minerals and not have to be reliant on China. They couldn’t really care what batshit stuff Putin gets up to, as long as it doesn’t interfere with their main goal.
It’s sad how this will end for Ukraine, but it’s been brewing for years.
At least they will have the security of the USA once it has all its companies in their milking the minerals.