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Christmas Tree

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Christmas Tree last won the day on May 27 2017

Christmas Tree had the most liked content!

About Christmas Tree

  • Birthday 11/30/1965

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  • Location
    Tyne & Wear

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  1. Daughter got two in the ballot today. A bitter sweet moment. Obviously I’m delighted for her, usually we attend games together and went to Trafalgar Square last time. Alas, she has acquired a boyfriend in recent months and I am no longer the apple of her eye In fairness, I had already decided not to go this time and she did ask me yesterday if I wanted to be included in the ballot. God knows how she’s going to get there!
  2. He was very interested. Said had a nice lumper put aside for Scotties inheritance and would I be so kind as to invest it for him. Dropping the cheques off later today. You’re welcome.
  3. Funding your pension. You’re welcome
  4. Listen fuck face I’m putting up with all this shit for the sake of tradition. If you want me to post my true, positive happy go lucky forecasts in the pre match thread, then on your head be it!!
  5. I’ve made enough to take my initial investment out and a reasonable chunk left over for if the bull run comes (it’s forecast for this year). It’s just free money now in my eyes. Haven’t really done anything on that side since last March as that was the height of the market. Much more interested in the day trading side of things. If you can get the hang of that, it’s not easy, then I would chuck the taxi. The forum I am on is full of about 2000 people from all backgrounds and quite a lot are having great success using funded accounts. EG: you can buy a £100,000 funded account for £350. You then have 2 phases to pass. Make 8% profit and make 5% profit. Once that is passed, you then get 80% of all profit made going forward. So if you make 10% a month, that’s £8,000 into your bank.
  6. Just out of interest, is anyone on here into day trading? whether crypto, stocks, Forex etc. No Im not selling anything No its not a new hobby No Im not gambling my life savings Nige
  7. Got a lot of obscure keywords in there that will make no sense to anyone but a crypto bro
  8. Well done. Very pleased for you.
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