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Everything posted by Inochi

  1. I just can't decide. They're all so... beautiful.
  2. The game was released six months ago, though. Many people, including me, have completed the main game long ago, and saw no real point in continuing with the multiplayer side as soon as they started dishing out the megabucks. The prospect of heists kept me interested for a while, but it's just taken too long now. I understand where you're coming from, with regards to the issues. I just think that more could have been done sooner, when the hype was still strong. I do think you'll get your wish for the heists now, like. I would imagine that they're the only kind of players left.
  3. Are heists still not available, like?! That's pretty poor.
  4. Don't fancy this at all, like. I think they'll come out quickly, and look to have the game won by half time (again). Just hope that we're a bit more prepared this time.
  5. Class game that. Scintillating. Chuffed to bits for Papiss. He's a good lad, and earned it today.
  6. Time to stretch the legs and that.
  7. They'd struggle with numeracy, too, if it wasn't for their nightly bingo raves.
  8. Fucking hell, that's chilling. Butchered a bit, mind: "Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”
  9. Inochi


    Nah, I haven't tried it either. Walked past it the other week, and it looks as if they've got the stone ovens, which is usually a good sign. Not heard much about it mind.
  10. Inochi


    It's fantastic, like. Pipped 'Slice', in the Grainger Market, to my prestigous title of 'Best Pizza In Newcastle'. They've gone from strength to strength since.
  11. '... and that's why I decided property sales was the career for me.'
  12. Aye, so anyway, Remy's injured. Going to miss a couple of games. It's unclear, at this point, if it is a slag related injury.
  13. Is there a thread on here that hasn't descended into a pun-off?
  14. There are going to be some very confused Twitter users, if we surrender a half time lead against Fulham, like.
  15. Probably about right, in terms of ban length, considering his previous. Think the full stadium ban is a bit over the top, mind.
  16. Ah, sorry, I was under the impression that he'd done something to deserve being labelled one. I guess that I must tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. But, no, I don't think he'll end up here if he gets an offer from a 'top' club. He might not even end up here if a club on our level, but with aspirations to improve, show an interest. I wouldn't rule it out altogether, though.
  17. Cunt? Hasn't he just said that he wants to play for one of the elite clubs at some point in his career? He's also been quite complimentary about the club, and the city, in the same interview. As usual, the quotes have been twisted to make it appear that he will be joining one of these clubs in the summer.
  18. I put some money on a horse. It always wins, apparently. Hoping that it'll win me some money. It might not, but that's the risk you take in the world of gambling money on horses to win races against other horses.
  19. They'll use his 'previous' as justification for a lengthier ban, I'd imagine. Fair enough, really, like.
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