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Everything posted by TicTacWoe

  1. It will be a miracle if we stay up. Hardly a miracle, we could plod to a dismal 0-0 draw with villa and still have a very good chance of staying up as hull will likely lose.
  2. As there's an off license next to the shop I work in, I think it's finally time to start drinking in work as of tomorrow
  3. Children of the corn !!!! disturbing
  4. unlucky, good defender, things went downhill for Villa since he got injured (this season).
  5. Wolves guy is Ebanks-Blake I assume, yeah he'd be a good buy but wouldn't leave wolves for us, if he was available I'd reckon he'd have better options, same with Kightly. The Scot is Ross McCormack who would join but you never know whether these guys can make the step up but might be worth the risk. And yes if you meant Shane Long he is by and large atrocious.
  6. All things considered I'd agree Bassong might be the best buy of the season alright, pity we'd probably occupy at least half of the top ten worst signings list! Collocini, Xisco, Gonzales, Nolan, RTaylor...
  7. He's gone a bit shit now though hasnt he? i heard that hes being paid somewhere in the region of 100K per week which is how they got him to agree to join in the first place, plus several million just foir a loan.
  8. We are in desperate need of pace, but Lovenkrads is pushing 30 now so his pace will quicly diminish in the next season or two I reckon. As others have said, depends on the budget and whether we could offload the intolerable mule Ameobi.
  9. Oh no, he's mocking the accent. How utterly original! And a newcastle fan taking the piss of my club... :lol: Keegan :scratchhead: Good to see you like Keegan, a lot of people here do as well I'd imagine, I predict you'll adapt well to toontastic and become good buddies with everyone here.
  10. It's called having scouts. no, you're wrong. Ashley was supposed to implement the scouting system that Fat Fred didn't, ie the one that found Zoggy, and swapping him for Ryan Taylor and cash was "good business" Come to think of it, it would actually have been a better deal for us if we got the same money and no RTaylor, no wages or shit player to deal with
  11. Rodallega is looking good, where do Wigan get these guys? Valencia, Palacios and now this fella, oh to have a decent scouting system!! Even N'zog was a decent signing for the price and the getting rid of RTaylor factor.
  12. The down-trodden guy in the high vis vest is the real star of this photo.
  13. I must admit I have downloaded a lot of albums in my time, I have also spent literally thousands on music as well however (not that this really makes up for it or anything but its better then these 16 year olds who laugh at the idea of paying for music). I have wild plans to buy some of the albums that I have downloaded and actually liked in the future when I have enough cash to be buying cds again! I'm certainly not one of them As you say, I do spend quite a bit on albums aswell, especially since I've stop downloading them. Heh sorry if that came accross as if I was accusing you or anything, I'm thinking along the lines of my younger brother and his friends who download several gigabytes a day in music/films etc
  14. I must admit I have downloaded a lot of albums in my time, I have also spent literally thousands on music as well however (not that this really makes up for it or anything but its better then these 16 year olds who laugh at the idea of paying for music). I have wild plans to buy some of the albums that I have downloaded and actually liked in the future when I have enough cash to be buying cds again!
  15. two Spurs Fans WUMing each other on a Newcastle United forum...how odd.
  16. Are you honestly saying that you'd prefer to have won a solitary league cup, quite possibly playing boring as fuck football rather than have challenged for the title on numerous occasions, qualified for the champions league and played some of the most exciting football and best players the Premiership ever saw? I certainly wouldn't.
  17. no justice in this world is there? maybe in years to come the world will come to understand and fully appreciate the immense talent that was Carl Srrant
  18. Agreed... Stevie you're arguing for the sake of arguing tbh - you'd be like a dog with 2 cocks if we won the league cup, just like the rest of us. Oh and has everyone noticed how Danny "I'm not here to be argumentative" B has made absolutely no response to those who claimed the clubs are equal in size and stature? Nope... he's decided to focus in on Stevie who he knows will argue til he's blue in the face. You're both as bad as each other tbh and it's as tedious as fuck! To be honest I do think we are of similar stature but our trophies swing it for us. Stubborn cunt aren't you? Are you sure you're not Stevie's alter ego? You've won the FA Cup 2 more times than us, we've won the league 2 more times than you.... We're equal. Saying you're bigger than us because you've won more league cups etc. is akin to suggesting Stevie's got a bigger cock because he hasn't been cirmcumcised whilst you have Winning the league is much better and far more difficult to achieve than winning the FA Cup but yes the clubs are certainly of similar stature overall. You haven't wont the league since 1926/27 and previous to that it was 1904/05, 1906/07 and 1908/09. Football was still in its formatives when teams would beat eachother 18 - 0 and got voted in and out of the league. It was farcical compared to todays game. Spurs were the first in the modern era to win the double, now that was a feat worthy of a massive club. Yeah like back in the olden days of 1996 when there was crazy scores like 7-1 . But seriously, Im just stating the facts that we've won more leagues than Tottenham which I believe is better than winning more FA cups whenever it happened, you've got the league cups too so overall it's about even but I know if you had won more leagues the likes of DannyB would saying that this categorically means you've had more success. Neither club has had much success in recent years, you've succeeded in minor cups, we've had flirtations with title challenges and top 4 finishes, nothing to crow about compared to United, Chelsea or Arsenals sucesses in the last decade.
  19. Agreed... Stevie you're arguing for the sake of arguing tbh - you'd be like a dog with 2 cocks if we won the league cup, just like the rest of us. Oh and has everyone noticed how Danny "I'm not here to be argumentative" B has made absolutely no response to those who claimed the clubs are equal in size and stature? Nope... he's decided to focus in on Stevie who he knows will argue til he's blue in the face. You're both as bad as each other tbh and it's as tedious as fuck! To be honest I do think we are of similar stature but our trophies swing it for us. Stubborn cunt aren't you? Are you sure you're not Stevie's alter ego? You've won the FA Cup 2 more times than us, we've won the league 2 more times than you.... We're equal. Saying you're bigger than us because you've won more league cups etc. is akin to suggesting Stevie's got a bigger cock because he hasn't been cirmcumcised whilst you have Winning the league is much better and far more difficult to achieve than winning the FA Cup but yes the clubs are certainly of similar stature overall.
  20. Does Robert really warrent inclusion though? I've only been supporting Newcastle since 92 and I'd be surprised if Robert made my top 25 from that era alone, so considering all that has gone before 1992 I'm not surprised he isn't there, top 100 maybe.
  21. Havn't read though, are you saying that Given isn't in there? If so that's ridiculous tbh. Have to disagree with Asprilla though, really shouldn't be in it, i think his goal scoring record was something like 1 every 6 for us.
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