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Everything posted by TicTacWoe

  1. I would have had a lot more respect for him if he'd stayed until now then fucked off. Exactly. He'd have left with every ones blessing. If we'd still gone down people would say he had half a mind on his next move. As I said, every one of them would have left if a decent offer came in.
  2. Pity alright, but I reckon every one of them would have left had a decent offer come in for them
  3. Nolan laughing and joking with the Villa fans was a nice touch. Nolan really ceased being a premier league footballer several seasons ago, it just took us to sign him to make it official
  4. beat me to it. He can rot in Gatesheads reserves for all I care. I'd put him in America to be honest, fucker's only after money anyway. Yeah, the MLS might well be where his future lies. I know it doesn't really matter at all now, I just started the thread because I'm trying to think of things other than what happened earlier.
  5. I reckon Owen thinks he's too good for the likes of Blackburn, Bolton, don't get me wrong, he isn't but I think he'd sooner retire then join another club that could potentially be battling for relegation (though I reckon Blackburn will be safe next year myself)
  6. no, he's out of contract Im aware of that thanks, I mean he could sign a new contract, no doubt on less wages. It's very unlikely but as I said who's going to take him?
  7. All things considered, his wages, his injury record, his supposed gambling problems and his seeming lack of heart for this club are their really going to be that many buyers for Owen? Personally I can't see where he's gonna end up. Previously I had a feeling Man City would end up signing him after they fail in any of their outlandish bids for Kaka, Villa etc, but even they have Bellemy and Robinho, who in the modern game are far more useful to have around then the often crocked Owen of today. Spurs already have 5 international strikers, having just re-signed Keane and Defoe I can't see him going there either. Aston Villa are another option but O'Neill does not like to sign players with a track record of injuries, and is generally a very cautious character so I can't see him taking the risk. Then there's Everton but there's no way they could afford wages anything like what we've been paying him and after their injury ravaged season it's unlikely Moyes would go for him either. That leaves another bunch of clubs that would either be unable to afford him or may not be seen as good enough/high profile enough for Owen. Unless he goes abroad (again who'd want him?) I really can't figure out what's going to happen to Owen. Could it be possible that he could end up staying here after all?
  8. I doubt it, Butt is hopeless, if you can't pick out a pass it doesn't matter what division you're in. I can see the quicker championship players running rings around him.
  9. I particularly feel a great deal of hatred towards Nicky Butt, for no other reason that he is shit, slow as fuck and sums up how bad we've been that he has started so many games. The thought of him starting again next season makes me feel sick.
  10. About as good at that as beating a full back. A few decent games at left back doesn't excuse him for having been hopeless since he got here either. Agreed there, but is it a case of wouldn't or could'nt y'know, Duff along with Butt, Smith, Nolan, Geremi and a few others just seem completely incapable these days, like no matter how much they cared (not that I'm saying they did) they're just not good enough. We have aquired far too many has-beens with no pace.
  11. For anyone watching the game how did the players react? Any tears, anyone looked particularly distraught?
  12. The other thing is that Hull at least played well for a sustained period this season, where as we have been more or less shite all season long. Can't remember one time after the opening match when i felt like we were playing well or improving etc
  13. Depends on what happens over the summer and who is manager.. (owner I think being the right question..))>.. Anyone got a few mil to buy out Ashley? I genuinely do not believe we will go the way of Leeds or Charlton, but I can see it being very difficult to get out of the league. I can imagine us floating around the playoff region for most of the season.
  14. Oh, absolutely. Especially people who try out three or four cards before finding one that they can actually withdraw some money on. If you're that far in debt, STOP SPENDING MONEY, fucktard. Had this happen to me earlier, I always seem to be the only one in the queue who doesn't move in slow motion. I work in a shop in Dublin where certain customers give me all manner of reasons to harbour ridiculous hatreds. Today an old couple took an eternity paying for some items they were buying, fair enough, (if a little annoying), a queue begins to gather behind them and the people in the queue begin to sigh and grumble (more annoying), the old people continue to count out coins (increasingly annoying). The queue sighs and grumbles more and more until I want to spontaneously combust when finally the old people are done and leave the shop and then.....after all their waiting, sighing and grumbling, NOT ONE OF THE FUCKERS IN THE QUEUE HAS THEIR OWN MONEY READY AND TAKE JUST AS FUCKING LONG!!! (basil fawlty mode activated).
  15. Could have done with at least one of their regular goalscorers in the squad at least. Usually when Fergie puts out the youngsters he's got the big guns waiting on the bench in case things don't go to plan.
  16. I found this even sweeter graph at MS Paint.com Jesus Danny is must be a pain living in the shadow of the third most successful club in British football, so much so you feel the need to spend your days on another, similarly frustrating teams forum.
  17. If people are looking for genuine reasons to ban Danny, he made what could be construed as a racist remark to me on a thread a while back (he since edited the comment out btw), something about the Irish famine. For the record I'm not Irish, and even if I was a comment like that wouldn't offend me in the slightest but havn't people been banned before for quasi-racist remarks? I didn't join long ago and personally think that this is a great forum one way or the other, but It would be a lot better without this cretin who quite frankly, disturbs me with the obsessive nature of his posts.
  18. We were pretty much shocking all season apart from the early promise. Now and again, we'd catch another team on an off day and look half decent but in reality it was downhill since Keegan left.
  19. I'm in work on Sunday til half 5, meaning I'll have to have the match on the radio, AND stay back late in work just so that I can hear the gruesome last 15 minutes or so (providing we still have a hope).
  20. My god Danny, you are the most pathetic piece of nothing that has ever lived.
  21. Very true, if you're relying on injury prone strikers as the only players in your team who can score, your fucked.
  22. TicTacWoe


    I made 2,200 euro on Keegan coming back to the toon last year on Betfair, kept the 200 online and turned that into a grand over time with small bets and have since retired from gambling forever! It was an amazing day because my house had been robbed the week before and loads of my stuff had been taken (notably my laptop which had a huge amount of important files on it regarding my main source of income-graphic design). I was very angry and down after that and had never gambled online before. A friend had recommended betfair to me and when I got a tip from a guy on Tynetalk I stuck 80 euro on Keegan to become the next manager (I also put 20 euro on Bilic for the hell of it as the odds on him were incredibly good), can't remember the exact odds but they were very favorable as Allerdyce had not long gone. So thats my gambling story, it was a great surprise and cheered me up no end, even more so because Keegan (who was the main reason I started supporting the club back in the early 90s) was back and the buzz around the club was back, such a shame it ended so soon.
  23. If Spurs or Villa took this thing more seriously they could easily have won it.
  24. That, along with the Given sale, has to be the ultimate definition of false economy. You can add N'Zogbia to that, as much as he was a moaning, erratic frustration he has pace, a bit of skill and can do something special/the unexpected at times which we really could have done with. Fair enough that he didn't want to be here so it sort of made sense to sell, but am I right in thinking that we got the princely sum of 4 million and Ryan Taylor for him...I'd have rather got 4 million and no Taylor at all. EDIT- just realised it was 6 not 4 million we got, not so bad, still he wasnt replaced whatsoever and we got piece of shit Taylor's wages to pay.
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