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Everything posted by TicTacWoe

  1. I'm afraid he probably is aye. At least Raylor offers decent set pieces.
  2. scored goals for fun in France, looked shit in the world cup they won alright but you can't judge him just on that and his 4 games for us.
  3. It's a load of hot air imo I was just about to say that! That's really burst my balloon
  4. hes been found alive and well, hiding in a box in the garage http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-New..._Without_Him_In
  5. I'm hearing there was nothing inside the balloon, ie he fell out along the way or maybe thats just bollocks (read it on a forum). The whole thing sounds so made up, hopefully it's a hoax or something. EDIT cofirmed there was no boy inside In addition to the bizarre nature of this story, the fact that the ship looked like a floating mushroom-jellyfish, the boys name is/was Falcon...
  6. I'm hearing there was nothing inside the balloon, ie he fell out along the way or maybe thats just bollocks (read it on a forum). The whole thing sounds so made up, hopefully it's a hoax or something. EDIT cofirmed there was no boy inside
  7. just heard about this on talkshite, totally nuts. http://www.courier-journal.com/article/200...n-over-Colorado
  8. Michael Ball is still on a free as well, would be great cover for all defensive positions.
  9. Agreed, and at the moment Robinson, Kirkland, Green and James are all better than him. None of these keepers are shit by the way, they're just not what you might call world class or whatever, and many countries have won the world cup with average keepers. Robinson's in very good form at the moment but he doesn't play well under pressure. James is probably the best bet but he still has those moments when he does something totally nuts. Then there's the Almunia situation, most other countries don't have any problem picking someone who has no connection to their country, so I don't see why England can't have one when it's in a position that they are weak in.
  10. I remember one game for Blackburn where he was absolutely dreadful, regularly being made a fool of by the opposition so this may have clouded my view of him as otherwise I havn't noticed him much. He's done ok for us so far and I'm surprised Allerdyce was willing to let him go out on loan considering your defense is rather injury prone.
  11. To be fair, it was damn well unlikely that Barry would have considered signing for us. Hyppia on the other hand would have been decent if he was interested, still playing week in week out for Leverkuson.
  12. Need to win the next game to stop the rot setting in.
  13. I'll quickly edit the database to make him shit Time for a mid-match free transfer swoop for Cherno Samba me thinks.
  14. well it IS the end of the week
  15. I don't think Gonzalez was the only signing Keegan was opposed to but he was the only one where signifigant evidence/witnesses could be found to testify to his opposition. Great to hear Keegans side and to hear exactly what went on in general, I think he has now been vindicated and we can draw a line under this issue. It's also good for the club's future that he didn't get more than the 2 million so overall it was a good result for everyone (bar Ashley).
  16. I was on their forum a while back and it was interesting to see that many of their fans were very accepting of all of this and satisfied that they'd won the FA cup and had good players in recent years which many of them thought they would never see.
  17. Peope are getting ahead of themselves regarding Nolan, at best he's of the standard of a struggling premier league side and nothing more. Still, there are worse (Butt, Geremi and possibly Barton).
  18. In 229 professional games for Velez, Mallorca and the Toon Jonas has scored a mighty 6 goals altogether. A bit odd that he keeps a rubber mask in his shorts for a goal celebration that almost never happens
  19. Ipswich 2-1 up on Sheffield United and Barnsley 2-0 up on West Brom, good for us so far.
  20. Hova does have a point regarding Harewood however, I hope to god no one even considers buying him permanently.
  21. Knee-Jerk-Tastic. This team might well be good enough to go up, they certainly should make the playoffs at least but if we do make it back the best we could possibly hope for with this side would be a relegation scrap. Serious and clever investment would be required for anything better. For me, the only true premier quality players we have are Harper, Enrique, STaylor, and potentially the likes of Carroll, Guthrie, Krul etc as well as Barton if he could recapture his Man City form and stay out of trouble. As well as Smith, Nolan and Shola have played this season they would struggle with the pace of the premiership and the more tecnichally gifted opposition they would face while Collocini and Jonas are not well suited to English football.
  22. Same here, I reckon they'll do alright despite the bad start and it's only a matter of time before they get the first win. I'd take a draw.
  23. Personally I expected either the club to win this case or that they would settle out of court simply because I can't believe that Keegans contract could be so detailed in its description that the fact other people recruited players behind his back could entitle him to legally claim unfair dismissal. I do think Keegan is in the right however, I just didn't personally see how this could work legally but the fact that the club offered such a large settlement and Keegan has refused makes me think someone must seriously think he has a good case. If he does win, which I believe he should, I'd like to see him donate a large portion of it to a charity of some sort or a football acadamy in newcastle or something like that.
  24. The fact that the article mentions that Butt was calling for Hughton to be made permanent manager adding to similar calls from Barton and Nolan make me wonder how much the players really want Shearer as manager. Then again they may be just looking for stability of any kind or perhaps all three of those players may well feel they have no future at the club under Shearer (Barton certainly).
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