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Everything posted by TicTacWoe

  1. they both seem like a pair of thicks to be honest but I still reckon we need to keep both of them if we're to survive next season as they won't be suitably replaced.
  2. I was very much of the opinion that Duff was finished last season but after seeing him in several games for fulham recently, and his last few internationals he has really impressed me and shown quite a few glimpses of the player he was at Blackbrun and Chelsea (early days). Also been extremely impressed with Zoltan Gera when I've seen him this season both in the league and in europe.
  3. they have a few winnable fixtures left, might stay up due to the other shite teams, might not. Pretty much no-one i'd want here (apart from an injury free Bullard) off their team which says it all really.
  4. I like that aye it was a bit of fun. Thinking about it Chiles was the only one to who had to wear the shirt of his clubs actual rivals with Dixon being a big Man City fan IIRC.
  5. Have to say I admire Shearer for not putting it on even if it is a bit petty or whatever seeing as you'd normally expect him to do the politically correct thing, last week they had Dixon wearing a spurs shirt and Keown in a Van Nistelrooy Man U shirt.
  6. no one even having Barry as a backup?
  7. Always had doubts about Bruce as a manager. He did very well at Wigan though but in my opinion a large degree of this was down to their scouting network picking up the south and central americans that have been the backbone of their team for the last few years. That being said, his own signings at sunderland have been good, Bent, Cana, Cattermole and Turner are all decent premier league players but he isn't getting the best out of them. I think another problem was that he hasnt been able to decide on a settled defence.
  8. Arsenal 3-1 Stoke, 3 points away from Chelsea now, keeps it interesting. Ramsey got a horrendous Eduardo style injury from a Shawcross tackle, absolutely sickening sounding. Poor lad, looks very talented and hope this doesn't keep him out for too long.
  9. Inter supposedly did some sort of tests to prove that Martins was the age he says he is. I've heard that Babayaro was almost certainly older than he professed as if the age he gives is real than he would have made his international debut aged 14 or something like that in retrospect.
  10. much better than a most of our midfield, only short term though as there must be a reason why he never keeps his place in the top flight despite decent performences.
  11. don't care as long as we go up, my heart could do without the playoff trauma mind you
  12. I suppose they could get between 500k and 1 million for the likes of Hreidersson, Utaka, Nugent (already out on loan), Wilson etc, can't see that making a huge amount of difference.
  13. No, just on loan, as are five of their regulars. The thing is, there really isn't much money to be made out of that team at all, the only player that they own, that is half decent and not ancient is Kevin Prince Boatang and I think he's already played for two clubs this year and can't be transferred again. Still I'd imagine they're just trying to get the high earners off the wage bill.
  14. I guess we could feed off scraps, any that were not picked up by other prem teams. No one springs to mind that would be left that we would benefit from. Unless perhaps any loan signing they had thats returned. Kevin Prince Boatang looks good at times, would be good enough on a free.
  15. Revealed under a court order. He is basically. The worst isn't what Collocini is on, the fact Barton is rumoured to be on 60 grand a week, barely plays and acts like a nutter is far worse imo.
  16. he's getting to the age now when he needs to start getting games, good move but hopefully he'll be a regular for them.
  17. Aye, wasnt here very long either, was surprised when he turned out to be so solid for others in the end, similar(ish) with Saha.
  18. Venison was surely gone by 96?
  19. in no order Given Shearer Beardsley Ferdinand Lee Ginola Bellemy Woodgate Speed Hamman Solano Dyer Robert Batty Albert Hughes Harper S.Taylor Bernard Dabizas Beye Watson (probably forgot someone shocking as the last few were scraping the barrel tbh) feel free to take that list apart as I'm not that happy with it myself after the point I got to Batty!
  20. the thing is I actually would mind, despite his experience he doesn't seem to be very inspirational and can't keep a cool head under pressure despite his age. Add that to the fact that technically he isn't anything special so I wouldn't be too deslighted with him even in a coaching capacity.
  21. christ, wouldn't be surprised to see Man U or Liverpool go for him never mind the likes of Spurs, Villa etc and this guy thinks we should be after him
  22. Belgium are ranked so low because their national team have been awful in recent years
  23. I see Aaron Spear was on the banch, he was toutet as the next big thing when we bough him off Plymouth, must still be only about 16 or 17 at most though
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