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About soccermom

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  1. kiss it better? No one in their right mind would wanna put their face anywhere near my stinky feet. You can kiss my arse tho
  2. I stubbed my toe today. It hurt. I didn't Cry.
  3. soccermom


    so thats 2 ways my fanny provides employment to the community!
  4. I refer you to my other message select copy and paste to here
  5. soccermom


    thanks very much cock
  6. soccermom


    hey! Mofo i did it and it worked. Thanks for the it advice mwah x
  7. soccermom


    you're definitely on the would fuck list Publish or GTF ?gtf? Get To F....rance ooh la la!
  8. soccermom


    you're definitely on the would fuck list You mean that "would fuck but wouldn't fuck me" list? I can picture you now the fat off your arse folding over the sides of the chair dried up old bean. you're a virgin aren't you. I can tell. Nope Don't add me to the "would fuck" list either dear. No fear of that.
  9. soccermom


    you're definitely on the would fuck list You mean that "would fuck but wouldn't fuck me" list? I can picture you now the fat off your arse folding over the sides of the chair dried up old bean. you're a virgin aren't you. I can tell.
  10. soccermom


    you're definitely on the would fuck list Publish or GTF ?gtf?
  11. soccermom


    you didn't complain when it took the fur off ya tongue.
  12. soccermom


    you're definitely on the would fuck list
  13. soccermom


    then change channels you gimp It was definitely better without you here, fuck off. you make me wet I question your ability to get wet. if i were you i'd spend more time questioning your mother about who your dad is. You never know your luck he may be up for parole soon, then you can apply to the council for a bigger house.
  14. soccermom


    then change channels you gimp It was definitely better without you here, fuck off. you make me wet
  15. soccermom


    no straw! Christ then no nipple. Fairs fair and all that jazz Aye well, never mind. I doubt you've shaved them recently anyway. i was savin them so you could pull them out wit your teeth, you know how i like it rough The gaps in my teeth, your tit hairs must be like rigging strops. pull em out, drag me round the house by them, the choice is yours I'm washing me hair. Sorry love. if you'd said i'd have sent over mine ha ha With the rest of your washing? no seperate. Don't like me skidies tainting me shell suits.
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