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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Atlas obscura is a handy site for finding places to visit Tom, typed in Munich and it gave me these... http://www.atlasobscura.com/search?utf8=✓&lat=48.1351253&lng=11.581980599999952&q=&formatted_address=Munich&source=mobile
  2. Monkeys Fist


    Not only is Stevie turning Mackem, it also appears he is becoming a shandy-drinking la-la.
  3. Another lunatic on a random gun rampage, in a theatre in Lafayette. Ffs. http://www.katc.com/story/29621479/reports-shooting-at-the-grand-on-johnston-several-injures
  4. You can picture what would've happened mind. Him- " You people ruined my whole life, don't expect me to show mercy today. No one disrespects me and gets away with it. I'll teach you peo...." *random charver cuts him off, " Here man, ya focken radge, are yee mental? Nee one's focken massacring nee cunt without giving iz a focken tab forst! ( can I borrow 50p for me bus fare, an'all mate?)"
  5. That site has some stuff that may interest some on here, though. http://madeupstuff.tumblr.com/post/1081966354
  6. He's gone beyond globular and become tubular. His head will start to sink soon.
  7. Keep those filthy fantasies to your metector/dogging forums.
  8. Interesting to note the most watched team in our morally inherent, classy neighbour's area.
  9. Pfft, fucks sake Parky, it's painted in the roof, but distorted by denpressure.
  10. "Personality Glasses" If you'd seen this bloke we're on about you'd know how accurate that is. Although I prefer the term "Git Gogs"
  11. He'll have to up his game- jeggings with rigger boots at the very least.
  12. Was it that bald knacker with the white framed glasses?
  13. Just watched first episode of Witnesses on C4. Will be watching the next.
  14. Since learning the "Frozen Grapes" and "Use Milk from the Tassimo" hacks, my previously hectic life has become a model of calmness and efficiency. I thought it best to create a thread so that our resident Life Coaches can post any new revelations to improve our short time on the planet. Here's a few to get started Your life transformation begins here, now.
  15. "Life hack" Have you chosen your post-op name yet?
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