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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Given the assumption of what Mrs.F. did to my arse, I could fit myself, you, and probably several of Trooper's Baked Bean Lasagnes up there. I have avoided sitting on bar stools for the past few days.
  2. They haven't time to punch horses as they're all nuts deep in their sisters/kids. Yes, I'm saying they're all incestuous paedophiles. All of them. Here's a gif to demonstrate how serious I am about this......
  3. Just had a chocolate biscuit because it'll soon be autumn.
  4. Here's an equally valid quote- " Aldi beans look and taste so similar to lumps of tramp smeg in ketchup that the two things are indistinguishable. I can only imagine them appealing to the same demographic that eats duck pizza and thinks metecting is a valid hobby. "- An Expert.
  5. Mouth experience As if they even touch the sides.
  6. I agree, I don't think Corbyn, if he wins, will last long enough to be a "problem" come 2020, but,if he draws in disenchanted voters and takes Labour even just a smidgen left of their current position, he'll have done his job. Burnham is the only candidate, in the current climate, who would be electable in a GE, which is why he gets 2nd option. I think it'll come down to him versus Corbyn, and he'll probably edge it on 2nd choice votes.
  7. Says the Mackem, posting on a NUFC board. Whale sandwich, anyone?
  8. For the pedants amongst us, you should be calling him Scout.
  9. What's the alternative? Look what happened last time we put a splitarse in charge.
  10. The Best PM of Your Lifetime and fucking Dreamboy were in your neck of the backwoods today,too. Did you waddle over and have a swoon?
  11. That also rules out Nick Kielce Poland. Back to the drawing board.
  12. Been married 17 years today. Pass the lube, it's Funtime tonight
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