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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Been to either of the Kaltur’s yet? One on High Bridge, one on Dean St. Very nice tapas, the Spanish kind
  2. Not to mention the fear of being caught cannibalising the gaffer.
  3. Bloke my dad used to work with was fixing a leak in the garage roof. He fixed it successfully then went back in the house and got his Mrs to split him in half with her strap-on.
  4. A woman answers her phone and hears a deep voice with fast , heavy breathing say, " Have you got a fat ass?" The woman answers, "Hang on … @Christmas Tree , it’s for you pet"
  5. Agreed - Renton fucked a puffin in front of Gordon Ramsey one Easter. This is now forum lore.
  6. This article suggests there is at least an album’s worth of unheard Marvin Gaye tracks sitting in Belgium. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68674814 It also suggests that the legal wrangle over ownership could be a bit fucky. The family in Belgium own the tapes on which the music is recorded, but not the publishing rights. The Gaye family own the publishing rights, but not the tapes. The cheeky sod of a lawyer for the Belgian family says he’s “worried” that someone other than the Gaye family could buy the tapes and pass off the music as their own, since it’s never been heard
  7. Somewhat stretching the definition of “funny picture” but this online review of the Grainger Market is 100% accurate.
  8. I thought the Renton link was when Ramsey necked Puffin in Iceland and the chatterati lost their shit. Mines better.
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