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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. " I am your father..... now stop it you little twat!"
  2. The old stuff was ok, but the special effects in the new series are spectacular.
  3. I'm picturing you in your Kenton Bar lair, white cat and Nehru suit, cackling wildly as you pump some poor lass to Lolo Ferrari levels of ridiculousness.
  4. Not sure if I heard about this place on here or rlsewhere, but here's one closer to home. http://www.subbrit.org.uk/rsg/sites/k/kenton_bar/index1.html
  5. Let's be honest here folks, we all know that what actually happened was CT would sit at the back, smoking the grot mags and furiously jerking the cigarettes, thinking, "One day, mine will be this big!"
  6. Maybe, but tastier than a turdy kisser.
  7. Christ! You'd leave bite marks on the seat if you attempted that.
  8. Whichever you choose, you can use the same cake tin. Pair of Jimmy Hills.
  9. Gandhi- "Can I just get a fucking kebab please?"
  10. Gerald Durrell, in English Literature class? What was the other book, The Beano?
  11. Now that you mention it, that there Jordan has a right square jaw on her.
  12. I had to do the poetry of Thomas Hardy, because his novels aren't fucking depressing enough (Even though we were the top stream, over 75% of the class failed eng.lit. at the first attempt due utter disinterest in the set studies.)
  13. You'd get far better mileage, Ant, if you weren't hauling around all the curlers, tongs, mousses and gels, and innumerable scissors in the boot.
  14. I had to wait until after the 5 minute mark before the bible thumping began. I've been dupped.
  15. Tiny slot window, which looks over a field. When his daughter came home from school, he started banging on the door and shouting, she refused to go upstairs because she didn't know who it was As a final kick in the balls, when his kids eventually went up to let him out, it was the spindle which had snapped, so they just opened the door, looking puzzled as to why he couldn't get out.
  16. Amused. My brother managed to lock himself in his bathroom from 8:30am to 4:00pm today, no phone, or clothes, one small towel. He is never going to be allowed to forget it, either.
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