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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is that the one where they discovered the Concentration camp? It’s a masterpiece tbh, although I’d say it’s not even the best episode- for me, the Bastogne episode in the winter forest was simply jaw dropping.
  2. Very, very good series - Damien Whossname as Capt.Thingy* is excellent, as are the rest of the ensemble cast. It’s obviously very Yank-centric, but it shows the utter brutality of war in an unforgettable way, and the writing and acting is superb . * Winters!
  3. Just got back from the “Wedding Celebration “ of a former very good friend. They got married in October. Not only was it today, when nobody can be arsed, but it was in The Legion. I’m reporting them to the ECHR for crimes against humanity.
  4. In the absence of a mackem side capable of lacing their own boots for the last 8 years or whatever, these living embodiments of testicle pain have stepped up to the mark in all-round cuntishness in every respect. I have no expectation that we’ll get a single thing from the game, but if we do, it’ll be as good, if not better, than shitting on the pitch of our polydactyl neighbours.
  5. “Master-coach Mick Beale “ or ”2nd post - “ Michael Beale has only got a job in the first place because a good manager who did a very good job and got a newly promoted side to the playoffs got sacked for saying something along those lines.“
  6. … but say nowt when they go there for the boxing, because freebies.
  7. If you were on Wallsend High St, I can see why you thought she was fit
  8. Was it in the New Year honours list , or in Truss’s Got Sacked Honours List, which were conveniently released on the same day?
  9. If you’re struggling to spot him, Sunak is the only one standing up.
  10. She has. Bird on the left looks a bit haggard though.
  11. I’d put good money on Ms. Worsley having a full range of Dragon cock dildos. I’ll check this out later.
  12. Business description on HMRC. “ Paying Howmanheyman to watch the match- lick iz!”
  13. He needs to be firing out CVs this Twixmas instead of sitting in bars drinking OUR tax dole. Fucking bludger.
  14. Christmas collation MKII done- got about 12 coming tomorrow, for a delayed Boxing Day eat and drink fest. I now have: Beef and Chestnut Mushroom Pastistada* in the slow cooker. 6 Bean Veggie Chilli ( I’m counting green lentils as beans in same way mackems are nearly human- but for a few crucial genes they’re the same)-Arseburner version Homemade guacamole 🤮 A shitload of fresh salsa Various salads A cuddly fucking toy Corned beef and potato pie- the rules. Cheese and Charcuterie boards I’m making spicy potato skins as well when thy all get here. Also, Turkey Dansak for tea tonight** I am now going to minesweep the “opened by mistake when there’s already one open” wine from Baby Cheese’s birthday bash, and have told the kids and Mrs. F. that after tomorrow we’re living on Gregg’s and Rinky-Dinks until Jan 2nd. * slow cooked beef in a tomato base sauce, a bit of cinnamon and fuckloads of garlic. ** Just the single gallon, totally cheated with one of those Spice Tailor kits from Sainsbury- it’ll ding-dang-feckin-do!
  15. Howe is bringing in PL’s middle niece for a motivational talk before the game 0-5. All off Miggy’s right peg.
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