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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Just finished decorating the tree, after the usual frustrations of trimming, levelling, than getting the bastard thing to actually stand up under the several tons of baublage Mrs.F. has accumulated over the years. What a fuck on!
  2. You do it on porpoise now, don't you? Btw, you know when you knock on his door each week looking for autographs, and you hear a strange, high pitched voiced shouting " He's not in!" He is.
  3. The picture on that story looks like some Eastern Bloc hellhole.
  4. I will be getting some kip….. some 2for1 on sundays ,man
  5. Mrs.CT-"Right kids, it's friday night, he's collapsed in the garden pissed on Aldi wheat beer, here's ten rusty bolts and an old penny, get them buried near Fatfield"
  6. Didn't that East 17 one somehow involve a baked potato? I'm just assuming Ewerk's did
  7. Christmas Jumpers can go and fucked, when did that become a thing? Got our festive peeve on the 20th, after a nightshift. Should be fun......
  8. Is that the interactive contraception feature working?
  9. Take the hoverboard mate- that blonde from HR that you've had your eye on will be on her back within minutes.
  10. Well, that's me convinced. Also, Hitler survived the war and opened the first Seaworld. Proof....
  11. Just discovered, via Spotify, the Aussie instrumental three piece, Dirty Three. Violin player is from The Bad Seeds and Grinderman.
  12. Try to avoid the use of terms like "sweaties"and "porridge wogs" and you'll be sound. You might also find THIS site handy after the 10 or 12th pint down the Grassmarket. (Most branches of Boots sell baby wipes for the inevitable trouser-soiling aftermath).
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