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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. @@ChezGiven Happy Knuckle Biting. http://imgur.com/a/8W4jA NSFW, obviously
  2. The weeble who "gave up" fags a ways back I would kick 25yr olds out the way to get at Monica
  3. Pretty sure he'd rather not have Crouzon Syndrome, but hey ho.
  4. Aye, hats off you bogtrotting IRA sympathiser. Let's know when the collection is going off, I'll stick 50p in
  5. Disappointed this bloke was missing from the 2nd tier, tbh.
  6. Netflix and Chilli? Posh steak and hoity-toity veg, the finest wines known to humanity, and Interstellar. If either of us can be bothered afterwards, I might "hop on".
  7. Took Fist Jnr to see Force Awakens the other day. He loved it, watched it kneeling on his seat, bouncing with excitement. So did I It was better than I thought it would be even if it was
  8. Shit day- need a laugh. http://i.imgur.com/sSOmKqw.gifv The Merc badge
  9. Shit. Came to post some crap and saw this. Absolutely gutting news. RIP to one of the nicest blokes ever to pull on the shirt.
  10. The old bugger's only gone and died! Is nothing sacred?
  11. Trophyshy wins Christmas with a nine dart word finish.
  12. I've just had the most amazing conversation with my mam, Ma Fist. She worked at/ frequented clubs like the Pariji (sp) The Club A-Go-Go and Greys in the 1960s. All this I was well aware of, (one of my earliest memories is sitting on one of the roulette tables in Greys, playing with the chips and dice aged about 3- an uncle, who married her sister, owned Greys until the mid 70s, which was how the conversation got started), but I'd never really quizzed her about what it was like- did the reality match up to the perceived idea of Newcastle in the 60s? Briefly, she was good mates with Chas Chandler and Eric Burdon, (although in her opinion Burdon was over rated ), she was on good terms with the Stones, pre- 1965 *, Long John Baldry was a regular stopover at the family home in Benton, and she knocked back " that singer out of the Spencer Davis Group, although if Spencer had tried, she might've been tempted" -that singer being Stevie Winwood Mental. She also recounted her, first hand, version of the Kray's brief visit to Newcastle, which isn't anywhere near as dramatic as Mr. Wraith's fantasy, " they were nice and polite, the gay one was the best looking but his brother was much more pleasant to talk to". Mind blown- Merry Christmas lads. * there's a well established tale of Wyman and Watts coming to the family home on Benton Lane to see my , then, 16yr old Aunty just before they became huge. Turns out it wasn't a one-off
  13. Have more sex, with ladies an' that.
  14. Anyway Bisping? Make your mind up ffs.
  15. Is it called that because you end up speaking like Don Corleone?
  16. First batch of Meenzer's legendary soy honey sausages currently being demolished chez Fist. ( sorry CT, they involve chilli flakes, therefore I won't give the grief of the recipe )
  17. Is Anyone Bisping his name or are you pissed
  18. May your sprouts remain firm
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