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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I want CT to follow this recipe to the letter, then post the results. It’s the best tribute to Hutch anyone could make.
  2. Him and Pearson together on video. Its like Pacino and De Niro in Heat… … if Al and Bob both still lived with their mams, were both virgins, and massive retards.
  3. They’re all the best bits tbh. There was one episode I remember where they had to look after a load of strippers who were getting killed. No idea why that particular episode stood out in my young mind
  4. Zeeeebra 3! I had a Starsky cardigan thing- fucking sweating like a bastard in July as I got it for my birthday
  5. Never mind that shit, this was a popular tune at late 1990s parties chez Fist.
  6. “ Nen of ya Gordon Blue cooking for the Knight!, if ah fancy a change from good English kebabs, some Epic Poolay does me, like”
  7. The Knight has definitely got a full set of camo gear for when he takes the Staffy for a walk in Dicky Dees Park.
  8. I’ve got an early finish today, and I was very touched by our polydactyl friends efforts to make the away bar so welcoming for our lads. So, I’ve decided to convert the bathroom in to the Stadium of Shite, just for the weekend. I’ve painted it faded pink, shit all over the seat, and emptied the kitchen bin on the floor. Sent the kids to live with their Granny, put the dog in the pram and stocked up on pocket cheese. Mrs. F. hasn’t seen it yet, but if she’s got owt to say about it, I’ll have had 8 Ace by then so I’ll give her a slap and kidnap her ma. Bring it on marrows!
  9. That’s because they’re thicker than whale spunk.
  10. “ Hi Kyril Yeah, it’s Amanda, look, you know it, I know it, this Beale character is not the man for you, is he? Why don’t you get rid of him this afternoon and we’ll help out with our extensive contacts to get you a replacement more suited to your status by, oooh, let’s say Monday morning? Deal? Ok , great ,see you in your new Keegan suite on Saturday”… Shouts through to Mehmet… ” Get John Carver on the line sweetie, once he’s done the lawn and front path, I’ve got some work for him!”
  11. These are meant to be the next big thing. @Ayatollah Hermione, is it just me, or do we think the singer is a fan of Rosalie Cunningham?
  12. What’s a latch-key billionaire meant to do though? His mam won’t give him any more pocket money to flush down the bog, so he’s had no option but to take handouts from the murderous, camel-shagging paedophiles to desecrate the Holy of Holies with sex mag paraphernalia. And now they’ll have to shell out twice over, once more to change it back before tomorrow*, and then again to downgrade it back to its former state. * I’ll be very interested to know if they’ve actually done this @PaddockLad
  13. Whatever attachments old Robobrain had, it’ll never beat Queen Lizzy’s great grandad’s specially made shagging chair.
  14. Aye January Blues? Take as many doses of Ibruprofewm as they supply, preferably with beer. Sorted.
  15. You realise that, from the height of your graffiti, we’ll know whether you sat or stood?
  16. This flip flop just adds to the comedy
  17. So, before we’ve even turned up, we’ve taken their end. Good and proper. Thanks for reading my post.
  18. What’s brown and runny? Usain Bolt.
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