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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That's been soundly debunked. The rumours are bring rehashed, after Nice, by.... Surprise Surprise , The Mail and Fox News
  2. Absolutely, I'm not dismissing it as a jihadist act, it's highly likely tbh. Just putting the option out there- seems odd that no group have "claimed" him yet, though.
  3. There's also a huge racism problem in France, between "traditional French" and those from France's former North African colonies. I lived in the south during the 1990s, albeit in an essentially rural area, and it was bubbling along just below the surface. Chez will be far better placed to comment on the situation in the cities.
  4. There's always the possibility that this wasn't "terrorism", and was a one man nut job acting alone. When you read through the descriptions of him, he doesn't sound at all like he'd been radicalised, just a violent, angry twat.
  5. A hive of radical Muslims, is it then, Boldon?
  6. Danny, from Lahndan? Surely not
  7. Happy 40th young sir! Here's Miss July 1976
  8. I think we may be witnessing the birth of Torytubby's latest hobby/moneysink. *Later, recovering from the lunchtime kebab...... " hmm, stained glass windows..... wonder how much" A fortnight down the line.... " Hey Guys! I just installed my first stained glass windscreen on the taxi!"
  9. What I'll take from this thread is PaddockLad's exemplary use of the term "gurning wanksock". Bravo
  10. Hope so. Also hope she'd have the stones to deal properly with the inevitable backlash. Then she can fuck right off
  11. Shame you can still afford broadband.
  12. And short-lived hobby expenses. Sucks to be poverty stricken, eh?
  13. *you're. Don't try condescension with me, bitch tits. Edit: You think there's a separation between politics and everyday life? That explains a lot.
  14. Haad on.... What happened to BAU? Oh aye, it's you.
  15. Are we still rated as producers of weaponry and inventive death, or are we shit at that now, as well?
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