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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I'd pay money to see a band called Parky's Foil Hat.
  2. Have they really got a player called N'Dong? They deliver it on a plate for us.
  3. Rogue One, or Feminist SJW Propaganda?
  4. Turn to stone. NSFW, obviously, it's a minge tat.
  5. Given the choice, I'd much rather have a luxury apartment than camping, but I don't mind a few nights roughing it I worked out that I've spent about 6-7 years of my life in total sleeping outside/under canvas.
  6. I spent 5 days in Eskdale in a fucking camping pod[ shed with my 9 & 6 yr olds. The trick is, take them somewhere where there's other people's kids, that way they'll fuck off and play around the other poor bastard's pitch, leaving you and the Mrs to quietly cane the Gin and regret everything Also, the other kids are invariably much posher than mine, which always adds a little frisson of pleasure at the thought of Marcus and India, shuddering at the thought of their precious offspring consorting with oiks " Daddy, can I go and play with Cressida, Maisie-May and Freddie?" " Course you can pet, make sure you break something"
  7. Bad idea old chap. However, " For a bag of Tudor, I'd shag a mountain" in a circle around your egg bag is a must. Perhaps.
  8. Late to the party but … They don't think it be like it is but it do.
  9. CT fucks ninjas. Well, there you go, didn't expect that.
  10. Wasn't it based on a family of Syrians from Aleppo? Edit; They were Armenian, the Altounyan family, lived in Aleppo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallows_and_Amazons
  11. Also, The Eiffel Tower has to in with a shout, Shirley?
  12. Whatever it is, don't tell Tubs. He'll only go and try to dig the fucker up.
  13. No idea what Quiff is on, mine's from Das Boot. ( mine's, see what I did there )
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