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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Get CT to post you one of his Garden Mix Playlists and just watch it with that playing, as you fill your neck with Baltic pies and weep, silently.
  2. To humour you though, this one is 50/50 with me. It was one of the pieces of music we chose for my brothers funeral, and I can listen to it sometimes and be fine, other times it slays me- specifically the crescendo from 2:40 onwards. When I visited the Thiepval Memorial last year we went to the visitor centre first, then went to the memorial and found my Great Uncle, all good, felt quite pleased I'd gone and paid my respects and that. We decided to pop back in to the visitor centre for a coffee and just after I walked in, guess what came on over the PA? It was dusty for a minute or two So, come on then you flaming homo, what's set you off tonight? Odds on its Adele or Celine Dion.
  3. Nickleback That's just going above and beyond abuse. 2-0 to us. Fuck the Beige.
  4. If Barton wasn't a footballer, he'd probably have done a spell on the taxis- guess what kind of taxi driver he'd be
  5. Let's find out..... @Christmas Tree, is LBJ ; 1) Something to do with cricket 2) A type of sandwich 3) A former King of America 4) What you get browsing eBay
  6. Is wykikitoon in NZ? https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/20/french-hitchhiker-goes-beserk-new-zealand-four-days-stuck-without-a-lift?client=safari
  7. I know that man, I meant more background and politics.
  8. CT's young 'un had that terrible realisation that when she said goodbye to Ma & Pa on his 50th, they were browsing eBay. Poor lass.
  9. Aye, go for it HMHM. It's a one-off HBO Biopic of LBJ. It starts immediately after the assassination of JFK, so if you're not familiar with LBJ and his position at the time, it might help to have a swift peruse of his wiki page or something, but having said that, it makes a pretty good job of explaining that from the off, so just dive in if you can't be arsed. It's very good.
  10. My 17yr old nephew volunteers at Kielder, after he did work experience up there. Here's his astronomy page, he started it a few years ago. https://www.instagram.com/everything_cosmos/
  11. Link has contact info for tickets. £10 adult £5 Nippers http://m.thenorthernecho.co.uk/sport/14725527.Pavel_Srnicek_s_brother_to_play_in_Newcastle_Legends_charity_match/
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