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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Surely if you work for a surveillance company then secret santa is a waste of fucking time anyway?
  2. Happy Birthday Gents. One for Rayvin... One for Stevie....
  3. Ken takes his dog for a walk.....
  4. In the spirit of tonight's ref, I actually got 10 points, no one else got any points, and Quiff got -5. Cheers
  5. Which just highlights how fucking useless the process is- two dodgy reds in the game, if you get one rescinded, you know you've no chance of the other, regardless of merit.
  6. On a scale of Mackem to Nappy Rippers, how fucking small-time are these Forest fans?
  7. Let's not forget, we had s perfectly good goal disallowed too. Moral victories are often hollow, but I'm having this one.
  8. Fucking utter cunts do not deserve a single point, never mind three. Forest, obvs.
  9. @@adios Odds this ref isn't bent as fuck. 50/56. Am I getting the hang of this?
  10. I'm assuming you're on mobile? Go to the sky football app, on the commentary section of our game they have footage of the Shelley incident. Watch, then feel the rage coursing through your veins. Embrace it. Absorb it. Then say sorry
  11. This is why I don't see the club having any option but to appeal- even if you look at Shelvey's action alone, it could be argued he's trying to clear his legs ( I know ) from the cheating cunt, and it's not violent behaviour. However, if it is seen as violent, then Lansbury must get a retrospective red too, after all, the ref didn't see it, did he?
  12. How this resulted in Shelvey alone getting red is beyond me. If it's worthy of a red, they should both be off. If it's not, then the ref is out of his depth. It's not worthy of a red
  13. "Meester Fawlty, ee is a hamster?"RIP, seemed like a decent bloke.
  14. This is honestly the best outcome where Aberdeen is concerned. Grim doesn't even begin to cover it.
  15. No, not a gambler, hence odds like 20/23 mean feck all to me. This means I'd need to bet £20 to win £23, yes?
  16. Just got home from a week grafting in The Highlands. Some phone pics of the hills and the job. https://m.imgur.com/o1qqii1,44SiusR,xnqFgTd,9JVbFL2,rpII7eM It was very nice but very Baltic.
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