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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Honestly, if that fucking chinless wonder, Rees-Mogg, gets in power, I’m taking the family to Plessey Woods and going Rambo. What’s more of a concern is the ever-growing shift to the right.
  2. What that clip doesn’t show was the reaction of the host, Kamal Ahmed, and studio guest Baroness Neville-Jones (former Minister of State for Security and Counter Terrorism). They basically chuckled and said “Bless”, like you would to an enthusiastic child.
  3. Did anyone see this cunt on Newsnight last night? https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight/status/936369015710089216?s=17
  4. Presumably they’ll impeach Trump and Pence simultaneously, to stop Trump appointing some cunt like Bannon as VP.
  5. If Drumpf and Pence both get the heave-ho, what then? Does Hillary get a shot as Prez, or is Trump’s Secretary of State next up?
  6. I tell my kids everything was in black and white until I was 4.
  7. Bugger me! I had that same strip, got it for Christmas in 1973, and I think I wore it to my first game, which would’ve been before this. Do I win £5?
  8. “ Dave, love, come down from the attic” ” I will Mummy, as soon as I’ve finished my frozen grapes” *whispered to Pa Fish ” Are you sure he’s ours?”
  9. Have them anyway, there’s no Kitchen Police working on Christmas Day.
  10. Did anyone see that massive meteorite yesterday evening just after 5pm? Fucking massive, albeit very briefly.
  11. I’m going to show this to my kids then tell them Santa killed himself.
  12. Remind me, who’s the gusset-fiend. I’m guessing it’s Quiff? Edit; D’oh! Its Billy Exciting, isn’t it? Still, Quiff is definitely a gusset sniffer.
  13. Is it ok to swim in the sea, though, but?
  14. Sounds like he’s menopausal. Do you get a dry fanny,too, Quiff?
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