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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. As it’s May the Fourth 5-0 Four each from Isak and Wilson
  2. “ inept damp farts” Not even good enough to be a wet fart.
  3. As I understand it, he’s enrolled on the course but doesn’t yet have a Pro Licence. Surely such a massive club as our sister loving chums wouldn’t even entertain someone with such lowly status?
  4. Have a look at his wiki page just now. They’re desperate
  5. This is the kind of pedantry that gets me through the day.
  6. Would’ve been 3/3 for Labour in the councillor vote, except for the fact that I had to tolerate one of them when my daughter was best mates with her son (now daughter), at primary school. An absolute weapons-grade cunt of a woman, so the Greens got my third X instead. This is how elections are won and lost, eh?
  7. Braverman in the news again.
  8. Since the internet, you’re goddamned right!
  9. Well, tonight is just getting better and better.
  10. How much work do you think PL would actually be getting on with, likesay?
  11. She had to tattoo lines to make sure her writing didn’t go to fuck. If she stays in business she might learn joined up writing.
  12. Just spoken to him- was like a dog eating chips So, that’s a “Yes Please!”
  13. Nice one. Sorry about the late reply but after I posted I was off in to the Great Wilderness north of Coldstream, where mobile connectivity mean’s glueing yourself to a horse. I’ll have a word with Fist Jnr when I get home in half an hour. He’s got the guitars, drums and a keyboard ( just need to introduce him to the Dark Arts of Bass), so it sound a right up his straße! If there’s still one going spare I’ll give you a shout in a bit?
  14. I’m giving him way too much credit by actually reading his post, here, but he contradicts himself totally. Lucky Ipswich had a penalty denied. Unlucky Blackburn had two goals correctly disallowed. As TBD says ( Incidentally, also found Mr. RaspberryJamQuiffThompers as TF)
  15. They say that’s an Archer from the Mary Rose, but we know who it really is.
  16. We have our very own … “To be fair, when I spoke to Sandra, she said she was making mince and dumplings for tea, which, to be fair, is me favourite “.
  17. You make some good points here, but I’m curious- should we deduct or add said points?
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