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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I took the hit to my search history so that you lot don’t have to… https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/spoonuniversity.com/healthier/surprising-amount-of-calories-burned-while-masturbating/amp Happy to help lads.
  2. I’ve got this on shuffle in the back garden. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/playlist/ardeche-trip-2017/pl.u-d2b05V0TM3JP1A It’s currently on
  3. Having spent the entire weekend in the new gaff getting it ready to move in to, wallpapering, patching a fucked concrete hearth, new skirtings, filling cracks and whatever, I’ve just finished, and am now sitting in the garden of my soon-to-be old house, having a beer, tacos and listening to ( my soon-to-be-ex neighbours can suck it up ).
  4. One of the oldest trees known to have existed, a Bristlecone Pine over 5000 years old, was cut down to retrieve a tree corer (used to find out how old a tree is), which was stuck in its trunk.
  5. The Enoughmibility Diet. Eat all the pamato’s
  6. Check out Master Yoda here.
  7. What about this? ( I have no idea wtf is going on, but there you go)
  8. Analyse this… https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/stewart-donalds-cousins-aresunderland-fans.1429792/
  9. You seem shocked no one took a blind bit of notice of you
  10. You’ll have to do better than that Bunty. There’s competition on here for the title of Pig Shit Thick Tory Wum now that our anxious little fuck from Coventry has shown up, and low grade efforts like the above just won’t cut the moutarde any more. Needs more pamato’s.
  11. Fucking killing it with the witty comebacks here.
  12. I’d have thought he’d be after extra time, personally. Best of luck to him, though.
  13. Wolves went from Div1 in 1984 to Div 4 in 1986, nearly did it again after McCarthy worked his magic on them
  14. It was just a regular one, but it does look fooking massive there.
  15. My company has the contract to do the windows where Manquillo’s penthouse is, and the last two times we’ve been, his lass has been out to complain to us that we’ve moved her Spanish TV aerial. (We haven’t ). I’m tempted to kick the fuck out of it next time though, as she’s very easy on the old peepers, and is invariably in her yoga pants when she comes out to whinge.
  16. Post graft, Almasty Echelon in the Free Trade. Whilst I’m here, why is every single fucking security guard obsessed with telling you, in great fucking detail, the exact details of their forthcoming shift patterns, as you’re attempting to get the fuck away from work? I DON’T FUCKING CARE, YOU EGG-SHAPED FUCK! All is now well
  17. must trie hardar.
  18. It would be fucking hilarious if Strola the Mackem Slayer put them down again next season
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