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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Btw, do a google search on this pic
  2. But I’m not a nationalist, or a socialist.…
  3. Best not, you’ll get mugged for clothes pegs.
  4. Don’t ask about his Nan- he also thinks Roma = Romanian.
  5. But, just to recap, 1- You wore a vest with a Nazi symbol 2- You claimed it was because of “bike culture” 3- When asked, you said you had a “Suzuki 250cc” 4- You have no pictures of you with this road beast.… 5- Because you sold it, for £500-£700 ( quite a range!), to pay for an oil leak, on the inside of your car!! ( that’s a very expensive, not to mention bizarrely located, oil leak). 6- You also have no pictures of it because you had to delete your Facebook page, because of an ex-girlfriend. ( quite why this ex forced you to delete your page is anyone’s guess, have st it lads ) 7- You don’t believe in nationalism, oorrrrr socialism, orrrr both combined. 8- Your Mam is supposedly German-Roma, which makes it all the more surprising that a ) you’re a dirty Nazi b ) you seem to be conflating Romani with Romanian, particularly in the post above. 9- You posted a pic of another (fucking terrible) black vest, patently not the Nazi one, yet claimed it was. When I called you out on it, you back pedalled faster than Lance Armstrong approaching a drug test booth. 10- I bet you own one of Status Quo’s later albums.
  6. Just thick as a whale sandwich, then ?
  7. “inbred cunt” Could you explain the above post again, Adolf, because it’s absolute fucking gibberish. Too much absinthe Petal? Can’t handle your peev? Lightweight.
  8. That’s no way to talk about your lass.
  9. Oh no, you don’t get to try to label me a Momentum nut, and try to deflect attention away from you being a lying Nazi sad-sack. I’m not done with you yet. You see, what I’ve not told you yet is what I know about “bike culture”. I’m curious, still, about the jap moped you claim you owned. It doesn’t really fit with the image you’re portraying of your place in “bike culture”, does it? Remind me again what year and model it was?
  10. Because you never had one. You’ve tried to claim “biker culture” as the reason you wore Nazi paraphernalia, yet you have no available photos of you with a bike, any fucking bike to be honest. Just like you’re lying about that thing above being the same vest as your Nazi one. The one above has a very clear, unmistakeable Levi’s tag on the left breast pocket. Your Nazi one doesn’t. Did you sew it on later?
  11. So when you sold your moped, you deleted all the pics of you on it, did you? Wiped them all out… Photocide.
  12. Strange that you posted this then… Bit of a, well… Nazi outlook that, isn’t it? Where’s the photo of your bike, with you on it?
  13. And this bloke gave it to you because you gave him a fag?
  14. Oh, you’re Romanian now are you? This gets better by the minute. (Still waiting for the pic of you on your beloved bike)
  15. I was expecting a BMW, to be honest
  16. Mustn’t have needed much work on the car, then.
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