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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Terrible behaviour. How will it look to new members of the board???
  2. Oh, okaaay then. I hereby promise never never to use a picture of Goebbels as my avatar, from now on. There, happy now?
  3. Does a mere picture of Goebbels offend you, like?
  4. Fill your boots son, at least he knew the difference between Romanian and Romani, you fucking quarter-wit.
  5. Ah, so the German/Romani granny was also Romanian. Alles klar. Alles klar.
  6. I’m also intrigued that you’ve now mentioned the skin colour of your ancestors twice, each time suggesting it’s something I’m bothered about, when in fact I’ve never queried it once. Your mask is slipping Dicky.
  7. Let me make it easy. You have one grandmother who was German/Romani. This we’ve established. You’ve also claimed Romanian ancestry through “a grandmother” Which one was the Romanian granny? Was she married to Tory Grandad, or was she someone else?
  8. I’ve already posted in there. I have little trouble with irl confidence. I’m still a bit confused, though. Where exactly does the Romanian connection come in with you? You seem to be avoiding this question, which makes me suspect things.
  9. I haven’t mentioned their skin colour once. Strange that you should, mind. So you had one German/Romani grandmother, and one Romanian grandmother, correct? Quite the cosmopolitan ancestry.
  10. So which part of your family were Romanian then?
  11. Strawb doesn’t need us to hold his hand. He’s well capable of dealing with your kind.
  12. Let’s be honest here, Dicky. You can’t, in all honesty, seriously compare yourself or your beliefs to Lemmy, can you?
  13. Was she German, Romanian, Romani or all three?
  14. I’ve also got to say, even if there’s a grain of truth in any of the above, making your political choices because of someone two generations older than you is … … well, actually, it doesn’t surprise me at all.
  15. So your a disappointment to your family… I see. Is this Grandfather the one who married the German/Romanian/Romani/Imaginary Grandma, or are we talking a different branch of family who shake their heads in regret when you’re mentioned?
  16. Aw, shucks Rayvin. What Rayvin is too nice to say, is that , yes, in certain situations in definitely does have fascist implications. You’ve tried and failed to claim it’s use is due your “biker culture”. Firstly, that conveniently ignores the fact that Northern European biker culture, that which wears the Iron Cross, is very closely allied to the Neo-Nazi culture. Secondly, I think we’ve clearly established that you’re as much a part of biker culture as dear departed Dale Winton was. For a working class, not-too-clever white bloke from Dudley, your options other than Neo Nazism are thinner than the pubic mess on your top lip.
  17. Genuine question- why do you vote/support Tory? You’re clearly not, nor will be, a high earner, you’re working class, you seem happy to use the Welfare State to support yourself, so why Tory? I’m honestly puzzled. It can’t just be because you’re a Little Englander and don’t like brown folks, can it? Enlighten me.
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