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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. These Thai lads have a far greater chance of rescue, too.
  2. Belting news- the young Thai football team lost underground for 9 days (!!!!) have been found safe and well. Still got a massive job on to get them out to safety, but I’m so pleased they’ve been found. Thailand cave rescue: Boys found alive after nine days http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-44688909
  3. It’s my 50th birthday treat mate, I’m aiming to eat as many different dead animals as I can in a two day period
  4. Cheers Strawb, looked at his place and The Castle Terrace. I know Leith isn’t far, but I’d prefer somewhere within staggering of our hotel on Charlotte Square, so I might try the Castle Terrace. Also looking at a place called 21212, which looks great but has potential for pea foam embuggarances… it’s just such a 1st world problem
  5. This is one of those games where, regardless of the result, I will thoroughly enjoy seeing either one of them lose Having said that , fuck Argentina.
  6. I doubt he’s figured out how to wipe his arse today
  7. Anyone of our Sweaty contingent familiar with Edinburgh? Going up next month with Mrs.F. to celebrate not dying before 50, and looking for somewhere quality serving classic haute cuisine style-( i.e. I want to eat my food off a plate, not some ”pea foam infused with depression” that’s been piped in to a stuffed raccoon’s anus). Bonus points if I can eat some locally killed deer/seafood/cow.
  8. Someone had a proper drunken blobstrop on here last night… didnt you TDan?
  9. This was a very good series, some seriously uncomfortable scenes, and Cucumbersnatch continues to baffle me with his ability to look like a right handsome bastard from one angle, then turn the other way and become Quasimodo. Top actoring from him, though. ( and that bird from the Midwife garbage would definitely get it )
  11. How long before Andrew is fully assimilated and asking for Fush and Chups? Good luck mate. Try not to get fucked in the head by prehistoric ground parrots.
  12. Late to the “ Let’s all laugh at Germany” party, but let’s keep it civil, chaps, and whatever you do, don’t mention ze VAR!
  13. If they go for Turkish, they can keep the kebab skewers and use them to burst their eardrums before the show-
  14. Why would Spanish-speaking Maradona use Italian to swear at English-speaking Nigerian fans?
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