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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. We’re getting plenty of attacking opportunities here. …
  2. Frogs are one of the few creatures that can regenerate limbs. I had a pet frog as a kid so I lopped one off, and sure enough, I saw Allegro.
  3. Kylie and her arse. Gillian Anderson Lucy fucking Liu ! Do I win £5?
  4. How do we know it’s him? Makes you think.
  5. You’ve spelled Salma wrong mate.
  6. Past three nights as I’ve taken the mutt out for his evening shite, there’s been a bloke sitting under the same street light, dressed top-to-toe in hi viz gear, deep in thought. I finally cracked tonight when he was there again and asked him what he was doing? He said “ Just reflecting, mate”.
  7. I just rang the Club and asked if there’d be any repercussions for red cards on this tour. They said because it’s an official PL sanctioned tour that there would. “ It’s Bans, Aye. “
  8. It’s awful anyway- they blur all the balls.
  9. With my usual impeccable sense of timing…
  10. Bitch be flakin’ an perpetratin’.
  11. Is that the same Lembit Opik that was nuts deep in a Cheeky Girl, those paragons of appropriate performance?
  12. Mild frisson at the possible appearance of ABBA there, but no… Two owld boilers and a bearded lady instead.
  13. Could be worse- could be a Kid Rock gig.
  14. Honesty man, her being from a country that’s openly committing genocide is the least of her problems. from the BBC “As she takes the stage, Golan won’t be thinking about the political storm surrounding her entry, but of her pet chihuahua, Leo, who she says is the love of her life.”
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