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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. How many Spaniards does it take to change a light bulb? Just Juan.
  2. You just know this is going to end up with our local Tory living in a bin.
  3. To be fair to them, the Mackems know a thing or two about goall scoring defenders as we saw the other week
  4. He’s putting on the Riiiiiiiitz.
  5. Call him Voyager 2. So far, the only probe to visit Uranus.
  6. The ancient Magyar tribe’s name means “Sugar Eaters” in Magyarese. Probably.
  7. If I never hear Local fucking Hero ever again it’ll be once too many. Having got that out the way, claiming Gosforth isn’t Geordie is Olympic Gold level mental gymnastics.
  8. First they came for the earwax removal services, and I did nothing because I have a big fuck-off syringe. Then they came for the smeg removal services…
  9. I heard when they opened him up he had no heart at all. No no, no heart at all.
  10. How do we know he’s actually dead and not just miming?
  11. So Tough was a winter season soundtrack album - fantastic.
  12. If he’s a fairly shy, reserved type, tell him to look at the positives- a little bit of notoriety is an opportunity to expand his social circle.
  13. When you call him under no circumstances, must you think of that scene from Ace Ventura pet detective?
  14. Tell him he’ll be the butt of some jokes as nobody had him pegged as being in to that kind of thing. Then tell him he’s got to own it- send an email to all involved apologising and saying next year he’ll make sure to do his Mother’s Day shopping privately.
  15. For years Peters thought he was a leading light in interracial relations singing with his black partner.
  16. NUFC has links to Durham. We should send a team of juniors and show them what a real club friendly is, and also paste every other fucker there
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