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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Charles Aznavour, 94. Don’t think his owld man was too keen on him, judging by his middle name. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Aznavour
  2. I’m picturing essembee slapping on the blackface and wrapping a tea towel round his head after his weekly overdose of Mackie Tans, then running up and down his street in Pennywell shouting “Goodness Gracious Me! I’m foreign, you know” in a terrible Indian accent, to a chorus of slamming doors from his poor neighbours.
  3. Just every time old Spaghetti-Heed rapes someone. Allegedly…
  4. Why’d you join the Army then? Or didn’t you?
  5. Just proving that you can’t polish a turd.
  6. I’m struggling to see the relevance, but hats off for the support. Wor Ingrid has her knockers, but at least she never employed JFK?? ( I’m struggling to shoehorn any more tit jokes in here folks, so I’ll nip it in the bud).
  7. The actual moment a shite WUM gives up any pretence of being genuine and just goes all-out. And yet… still utterly underwhelms.
  8. I’ll wait until it’s on Jimbo’s telly.
  9. This has an entirely different, but equally unpleasant (or not, depending on which way stir the pot), meaning up here.
  10. For a young chap, navigating the stormy waters of early adolescence, in search of the remotest chance of seeing some fleeting glimpse of late-night tv titties, any film of Wor Ingrid’s was an absolute home-banker. ( that’s banker…). Unless it was Where Eagles Dare… but I’m almost positive I probably tore the neck off it when she showed up in that anyway
  11. Possibly the only film where Ingrid Pitt didn’t unleash the puppies. Terrible shame
  12. Bloke walks in to a bakery with a salmon under his arm, ” Do you do fish cakes?” ” No, sorry, we don’t ” says the baker. “ Shame.…” says the bloke, pointing at the Salmon. “It’s his birthday”.
  13. Barking seal mistaken for dog sparks Sunderland 999 call-out http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-45547007 Fucking window lickers.
  14. Just needs some desperate alchy from Leeds to start sending the police some hoax tapes.
  15. Got to sort the wheat from the West Midlands Racist Trolls…
  16. Aye, but they didn’t punch it, Marra. FTH
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