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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. They’re already unbearable. I hope they win it… …once. Then never again.
  2. I agree. I keep them in the basement until they start going insane, then go out and bludgeon a new one.
  3. You may find this surprising… but there’s nowt borderline about her to me, even if her stinker is like …
  4. RIP Shola The Trill Slayer. He was a good egg.
  5. Since you’re 18, here’s your birthday tit pic. Bit late, but that’s your Dad’s fault for banging your Mam 9 months before Christmas
  6. I like how their profile pic is the silhouette of an empty hotel
  7. Your very own caviar! Nice one mate. … so, err… does this mean you’ve got a girlfriend?
  8. Merry Christmas, you unholy pack of reprobates.
  9. It’s been a while since a shock music star death. I’ll go for Jimmy Page, in the Parlour, with the 14yr old groupie.
  10. I reckon Andy has a very specific part of the wall in mind
  11. The best thing is, the more they bang on about how much they love The Donald and Charlie, the more vitriolic their hatred for them will be when it all, inevitably, turns to shit. They’ve got form
  12. Aye, but, as Strawb says, his lass had some cracking bangers!
  13. Solomon Eisberg? So, in my youth, I pulled this model, spent the night at her place. Came down to breakfast, to find her staring intently at the juice. I asked if she was ok, and she said, “ It says ‘concentrate’ on the label”
  14. Have you got a blue passport? Apparantly they’re worth 10 extra somethings. ( Seriously though, what a kick in the knackers, if your job goes, and you have to leave, do you get any help relocating?)
  15. That fucking sucks. Will it affect your ability to stay in NZ?
  16. I wrestled with my conscience for several seconds before posting that, mind.
  17. If it comes down to a Cunt-Off, the Tories will romp home.
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