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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That’ll be the lads who just couldn’t drag themselves away from the warm welcome, warmer beer, and re-warmed chips at Wolverhampton’s shittest top pub.
  2. Best of luck mate! Finding work and contracts isn’t too hard when you’re self employed, getting the fuckers to actually pay you for said work is the tricky bit.
  3. I’m doing it at AIS in North Shields mate. Pool day is Wednesday, so I’ll let know how much I shit myself in the chopper drill.
  4. Aye, mainly setting up and supervising some other fucker hanging off a rope- suits me I’ve succumbed to the filthy offshore lucre.
  5. A mix of mild excitement and average trepidation. I’ve left the business I’ve been at for 10yrs, today was the first day of my offshore survival training, all things being well I should be twiddling my thumbs on a rig off the coast of Holland in a few weeks time. Life begins (again) at 50
  6. I think we’re pretty much fucked, insects or not.
  7. So, if the insects go, plant life goes. If plant life goes, the vegans are fucked. Pass the DDT.
  8. Aye, one of a plethora of shit teams from the shithole of England. They need to find something to make themselves feel special. This week, we’re it.
  9. Mary Queen of Scots. Decent enough, Margot Robbie choosing the “pretty plays ugly” part of Lizzy I. Saoirse Ronan is canny enough as Mary the Sweaty, but the whole thing is just a bit “Hollywood”. There’s some jarring (to me ), mistakes- Carlisle is depicted as a brooding, dark outpost surrounded by massive mountains, numerous scenes of the border are shot in Glencoe, and the biggest is the meeting between Mary and Lizzy- never happened. Other than that, it’s well shot, Guy Pearce is decent as William Cecil. Needs more tits.
  10. I’d quite like to see the original, tbh. Wtf is going on there? Also, is that Mani from Stone Roses’ account?
  11. That’s probably because it’s a Wolves board You fucking hippy.
  12. He’s also unimaginative. Here he is , in October last year, same name, word for word (other than visiting club name), the same post. Yam Yam Noncesense
  13. Why you eating foreign muck like pizza? What’s wrong with a good old British Tikka Masala?
  14. Another fucking Yam Yam troll. What is it with these fuckers?
  15. Albert Finney - Broon bread at 82. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-47175304
  16. I’ll just leave this here… (To be fair to Neeson, he was only in the first one ).
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