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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist
There’s pretty convincing evidence out there that all of the victims of the 1993 Beckindale Air Disaster were paid actors. Do your research sheeple.
This is how the next Mrs. PL will come along and oust the current one
Fuck me. Game over
It’s quite painful to see Trippier’s demise playing out tbh. Love the lad to bits, and he’s been instrumental in the rebirth of the club, but he’s not the player he was.
What time zone is the hotel in?
That makes him an expert and member of the Elite, and therefore by his own Party’s current reasoning, an ENEMY IF THE PEOPLE!
Hey, I’m just asking questions …
Cathy Secker, Gary Mabbutt, Donald Drumpf. Only one hasn’t had Pedro tackle them from behind, so, what’s the link Stottinho?
Prefer shot put and javelin tbh.
You’ve made a whole lot of assumptions about my views on government here, most of which you’ve pulled out of your hoop. Whatever my views actually are though, I just know that the best way to see them effectively implemented is by posting them to a club-specific football message board. We agree, though, don’t we, that Vance is the middle manger promoted to beyond his level of competence, just like his gaffer.
£50 over a handbag… Even if it is true, how does that compare to the last lot handing ££multi billion contracts to their pals, without even having to go through a standard bidding procedure? Remember- the lad getting a ferry contract for a company with zero experience of running a ferry business, mainly because they had no, not a single fucking one, ferries? Honestly, I hope it’s not true, but if it is, I hope she’s at least skinned it for a bag worth £150-£200.
His speech was apparently met with total silence. He’s plainly too thick to realise the subtleties of human rejection, but it’s encouraging that our leaders in Europe, at the very least, have no qualms about treating him with the contempt he so utterly deserves.
I know you’ve posted this in jest, but I’m genuinely chuffed to bits with how switched on my two offspring are for their respective ages. They are absolutely more politically aware than most of their peers, firmly in the Leftist camp, mostly through parental indoctrination tbf, but they have questioned our stance many times and arrived at their own conclusion that, well, Mam and Dad are right Son is very much a lefty, has been since before he even knew what politics was, he’s just a lovely lad who cares about others being fairly treated. Daughter is an enigma, wrapped in an attitude of “ duuuh, Daaa-aaaad, I don’t caaare!”, but her every action is Leftist. She’s also, I’m almost 99% sure, barely closeted queer, she just hasn’t got to telling us yet, which gives her a natural pull towards the left too, I’d venture? The good thing is that it doesn’t seem that they’re particularly huge outliers amongst their peers either- undoubtedly there has been a growth in youth support of rightist wrongness, but I think that’s been artificially exaggerated. Most of their mates, the one’s we’ve met and chatted with, are thoroughly decent kids who, even if they don’t realise it yet, are as left as the Honourable Mr. Dennis Skinner. Point being, the next-but-one generation won’t be doing with this right wing bullshit if my two and their pals are even remotely typical of the feelings of their generation.
St. Mary’s Lighthouse is absolutely mint for an hour or two’s rockpooling, if you time it right re. tides. I’d honestly start somewhere up the coast, Blyth Battery or Seaton Sluice for example, and walk back to Whitley. You’re heading towards your digs, a greater number of eateries/drinkeries, and if you do decide “fuck this, let’s get a taxi!”, the cost of that diminishes every step you take southward, as opposed to the opposite if you start in Whitley.
Mrs. F. and I have been discussing this issue tonight, she has a degree in politics and is very switched on with regards to this, but is also as crazy as a bag of frogs, in general day-to-day matters. She’s worried that our son, who turns 15 this summer, might end up being called up to go to Ukraine as part of the peacekeeping force. I probably didn’t help by saying that if conscription was to be reintroduced, it wouldn’t just be for young lads. That would be discriminatory, and, in line with current armed forces practices, both male and female citizens of age would be called up. By “probably didn’t help”, I actually mean “Fuck me, I wish I’d just said , ‘nah, won’t happen’ instead of being honest” All this whilst gripping a rose between my teeth and helicoptering the Owld Fella to try and salvage some Valentine’s Day romance. Not happening tbh
Start at Blyth Battery, have a cuppa and cake, head south towards Seaton Sluice, have some fish and chips there, wash them down with a pint or several at the Kings Arms, ring a taxi to take you to Tynemouth, have another pint or four there. Stumble back wherever you’re staying in Whitley. Have an “end of walk” slackener at the hotel bar. sorted.
Zelensky must be absolutely chewing his own arsehole in frustration being made to deal with Vance at the Munich meetings rather than dealing with the pair of cunts in charge of the two countries fucking his nation. Vance, tonight, used his speech at Munich to spew the insanity of his overlords, claiming, amongst other shite, that Europe was responsible for the downfall of democracy since “If your democracy can be destroyed with a few $100,000 of digital advertising from a foreign country, then it wasn't very strong to begin with." That is in reference to Romania cancelling its electoions due to right wing interference via social media. If it wasn’t so fucking terrifying that this piss-poor middle management level cunt was coming out with this shite, it would be laughable. As said by others, America is no longer an ally… I’d go so far as to say it’s a hostile nation to Europe. Fucking mental how shit can change in a matter of weeks…
Wrong thread mate, unless they’re NUFC branded Louboutins? In which case, crack on…
Oof! Touché
NHS. We discussed it and she thought it made sense to wait for these results. Glad we did. 👍
Went with Ma Fist to the doc to get her results from the 24 tube in her stomach test. Very positive outcome- she’s finally got a diagnosis and, as a result, has been put on a course of treatment for it. Doc reckons it’s possible she’ll see improvement within 24hrs. She’s been diagnosed with Oesophageal Dysmotility- basically her Oesophagus has been going in to spasm, preventing most food from reaching her stomach. She’s so relieved to finally know what’s causing her bother, and have a treatment for it, she got a little emotional when he told her. Fingers crossed now.
Who cares what you think, tbf.
Dont forget nearly 40+ years of Tory rule has obliterated the “we’re in this together” ethos of the Welfare State and made it ok to be “I’m alright Jack, fuck you with a rusty stick”. Anyone receiving benefits of any kind is now seen as “a bludger” and a “drain on tax payer funds”. Never mind that the Tory cunts spreading this do everything in their power to avoid paying taxes.
Will you fuck planning permission in Whitley for that. Nimby Central.