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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If you were given a 2nd chance to vote, would you go Leave or change to Remain, now that you are aware of the omnishambles Leaving entails?
  2. Funnily enough, I just looked out of my North Tyneside window and found yours.
  3. If/when we crash out with no deal, I’ll happily go round to Tub’s gaff and donate some shithouse roll for him and his poor family. Used… naturally, and he’ll need to unwrap it from the bricks, but you take what you can get, eh?
  4. Or customers to take home and bore the tits off on the way.
  5. Shall we beat Rayvin to death with Jezza’s marrow?
  6. Aye, it’s been delayed until 20:30. Didn’t see that coming…
  7. Dick Dale ,deed, at the weekend. I genuinely thought he’d died a few years ago.
  8. They’d do it Mackem style though- hand out Aldi sparklers to the filthy horde, a true Stadium of Light spectacle.
  9. “If you're hanging on to a rising balloon, you're presented with a difficult decision — let go before it's too late or hang on and keep getting higher, posing the question: how long can you keep a grip on the rope?” That or … ” I feel like a pig shat in my head.”
  10. That’s enough to buy one of Deano’s Shrubbery formations every other day.
  11. Howay man Fish, he won’t google Dunning- Krüger, he’s seen a few psychology videos on YouTube.
  12. They gave up and got a taxi. Also, nice to see Syd Little out and about with his fellow unfunny cunts.
  13. We could try for a non-illegal one this time, too?
  14. @acrossthepond Good on you man! I’m a white, Anglo Saxon, bit of Viking, bit of Norman, bit of Celt, bit of North African. All of the above is defined by DNA. My penile skin folds are intact. DON’T MUTILATE YOUR CHILDREN’S GENITALS!!!!!!!!
  15. Gloomy, sorry mate, in This is my point, basically… I understand that FGM is a brutal mutilation, carried out primarily to establish control, ownership, etc: Circumcision seems to me to be a much more accepted form of genital mutilation, and I really struggle to see why (it’s accepted). There are clear reasons/ circumstances why you’d take circumcision as a medical option, and in those circumstances , fair play. But, otherwise, there’s really no good reason to mutilate your child’s cock, beyond believing in some fucked up shit. DON’T CUT YOUR SON’S FORESKIN OFF!
  16. It seems Mr. Airwolf, Jan Michael Vincent, has left this mortal coil. What an average shame.
  17. @Dr Gloom, Good on you man. I’ve got to be honest here, though, I don’t understand how you can see a difference between religious circumcision and FGM? It’s all mutilation in the name of whatever God they choose. Chopping the lips off of some poor lass, and whipping the foreskin off of an 8 day old lad is equally barbaric in my eyes. I suspect that circumcision gets away with it because in some cases, it’s an acceptable procedure - however, they use anaesthetic and its a last resort. There’s no acceptable reason to cut away a girl’s labial structures. Here’s a question though- how much do you think fear of being labelled anti-Semitic has hampered the cause of not circumcising innocent baby boys? I fully realise how this might come across. All I can say is I’m neither racist, anti-Semitic, or whatever. but I want people to stop cutting their baby’s cocks to pieces, regardless of their beliefs. Edit; Beer… lots
  18. It’s almost as if the world would be a less barbaric, fucked up place without religious mentalism. Who’d a thunk it ? 😂
  19. This is precisely the argument I’ve long used against it- imagine the Church of England suddenly decreeing that earlobes must removed, without anaesthetic, eight days after birth. But only for boys. The worldwide chorus of “ FUCK RIGHT OFF!” would be deafening.
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