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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Renton going full Buffalo Bill here
  2. Oops. No, but I’ve had one or two of these. … which might explain why
  3. Tbf to The Fat Cunt, he’s busy fighting over wanting to buy yet another failing High St. chain to further expand his Empire of Cuntery. Why the fuck would he bother with us?
  4. Salmon wrapped in bacon for tea tonight, green beans and new potatoes. Schmecken schmecken , Bon appetit, down the hatch, smaklig måltid, etc.
  5. Imagine being such a bamp that a country tells you to fuck off.
  6. He wants to lay off the tabs, mind- the state of his ‘tache.
  7. She’s a bit Toulon in the tooth to worry about it, which, if I’m honest, Angers me a bit. She’s not as bad as my Anti bes(sy).
  8. Gemmill is greeting Reimed here, the absolute Nancy just Caen’t take it. He’s Metz his match and is Rouen the day he punned-off with Meenz.
  9. Speaking of mind-blowing, the first image of an actual black hole has been released. Granted, the image itself isn’t all that amazing, but the facts behind it are proper “woah! Dude!” moments. Its 500 million, trillion km away, and is 40 billion km across. Fist Jr. was asking how big that is, so we got on astronomical distances, how massive they are etc. Ended up with him working out how far a light year is in miles, from me telling him that it takes 8 minutes for the Sun’s light to get here. ( with a few pointers from me, but he did all the work ). Aaaanyway, as big as this is, it’s still not as big as CT’s gunt.
  10. Bloody hell! Army investigating 'Jeremy Corbyn target practice' film https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47798717
  11. I’ll bet that was about as exciting as the heat death of the universe.
  12. If he just lost a bit of timber, (nothing drastic, just a stone or thereabouts), maybe did a bit of exercise… … he’d still be a criminally unfunny cunt.
  13. What is it about the American psyche that leads people to this kind of rabid belief that Big Pharma, da Gub’mint, NASA, etc etc are spending billions on concealing THE TRUTH?? You don’t really see it anywhere else to the degree that you see it over there? Fucking lunatics
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.givemesport.com/1465359-jordan-pickford-was-involved-in-pub-brawl-because-his-fiancee-was-verbally-abused%3Famp Why would Newcastle fans be out drinking in sunderland?
  15. It’s because he didn’t grab them by the pussy. Do you really want a bloke who sounds absolutely harmless as the next president? WELL???? DO YOU??
  16. What’s most amazing is that Rafa managed to strike the exact same pose 12 months apart.
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